• 专业发展
    【报名】北美地区最大的华人人力资源盛会-2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会10月硅谷举办,欢迎参加 如果你国庆在硅谷,欢迎参加北美地区最大的华人人力资源盛会-2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会,NACSHR年度峰会10月5-6日在硅谷举办,不妨抽空2天参加,构建北美人脉圈,了解北美HR管理。机会难得,HRTechChina 可以提供国内报名和人民币支付服务。联系我们吧 2024 NACSHR Annual Conference -The Largest Chinese HR event in North America 2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会-北美地区最大的华人人力资源盛会 北美地区最大规模的华人人力资源盛会——2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会,将于10月在硅谷盛大举办,诚挚邀请您共襄盛举! 自2016年成立以来,北美华人人力资源协会(NACSHR)一直致力于为华人HR专业人士和职场高管精英打造一个卓越的交流平台。多年间,NACSHR年度论坛已发展成为北美最具影响力的人力资源活动之一,吸引了无数行业领导者和HR专家的关注与参与。 2024年,NACSHR年度论坛将升级为北美华人人力资源年度峰会,规模更大,内容更丰富,形式更多样,话题更专业,汇聚更多杰出的HR代表。我们诚挚邀请您加入我们,共同参与和创造这一盛会! 十月硅谷,我们将再次迎接全球华人人力资源专业人士和从业者齐聚一堂,延续我们成功的传统。即将到来的峰会将包括专业小组讨论、实用工作坊、行业大咖演讲、年度奖项评选、企业参观、晚宴酒会等丰富多彩的交流活动。这些会议不仅旨在提供最新的行业知识和趋势,还为与会者提供了与顶尖专业人士近距离交流的宝贵机会,并帮助与同行建立或加深联系。 Stay Together Stay Powerful NACSHR2024年度峰会不仅是学习和交流的场所,更是启迪和灵感的源泉,为华人HR同仁搭建了通向职业新篇章的桥梁。我们期待全球华人HR同事们共聚一堂,共同探索和塑造未来人力资源的新趋势。 加入我们的NACSHR2024年度峰会,共享思想的碰撞和心灵的触动。我们期待您的参与,共同见证这一人力资源盛会的精彩时刻! 2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会  2024 NACSHR Annual Conference 时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00) 地点:   Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City) (32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587) 报名:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/418189BC-FF9F-D9B7-B7F8-8E5980AAFFA1  (报名备注填写 HRTech 推荐) 费用:400美元/人 (10月4 日前报名支付)  现场门票:500美元/人 晚宴:150美元/人(不单独销售,需购买门票,名额有限,售完为止 参与者为分享嘉宾、特邀专家、VIP参会等40人规模) HRTechChina 可以提供国内报名和人民币支付,提供发票,需增加10%服务费和税费,汇率参考7.15 合作伙伴:Law Office of  Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law、虚位以待 会议形式:专业论坛、年度评选、晚宴酒会、参访交流、职业机会等 注:不含会议午餐和参访期间交通  (付款方式及报名后的注意事项:https://www.nacshr.org/2022.html) NACSHR年度峰会同期活动: ·年度评选参与,请点击:https://www.nacshr.org/2095.html ·北美HR采购指南—NACSHR图谱登记:https://www.nacshr.org/2063.html ·HR少儿设计思维体验课程: https://www.nacshr.org/2181.html ·北美HR招聘平台: https://www.nacshr.org/job 你为什么不能错过NACSHR峰会: 聆听行业大咖的精心分享: 演讲嘉宾包括成功的企业家、重量级的行业内大咖、优秀的人才战略专家。 他们精通中国以及北美的人力资源市场,乐于分享他们的观点和经验。 确保您能听到行业内最专业成功人士的分享。 学习新知识,掌握新动态: 不论您是职场老将还是新兵,更新知识库是一个永恒的课题。 峰会设置了多种会议形式,各种方式获取行业动态和职场经验。 有行业内大咖的独家分享,帮助您打开新视野,更具竞争力。 职业发展新机遇,更广泛的选择: NACSHR设置了北美地区HR岗位需求,现场更有机会面对面沟通交流。 非正式的会议交流,更有益深入交流,为您的职场铺就成功之路。 北美地区最大的华人HR行业盛会: 聚焦北美华人人力资源行业精英,汇聚北美职场华人力量。 汇集首屈一指的企业家、创业家和行业先锋,打造北美唯一、最大的华人HR盛会。 交流新资讯,结交新伙伴: 探讨行业热点话题,激发创新思维,共同推动HR行业的发展。 利用大会机会结识北美地区的华人HR同仁,拓展个人交际圈。 启发职场新思维,实现职业新突破: 探讨华人管理者如何实现职场发展目标。 设有职场人讨论环节,与嘉宾、行业专家和同行伙伴一起探讨如何在美国职场实现自我价值。          
  • 专业发展
    【HR术语】什么是绩效管理?(What is performance management?) 什么是绩效管理? 绩效管理是一种跟踪专业人员工作绩效和发展其技能的方法,以便他们为实现部门和公司目标做出有效贡献。 绩效管理包括三个阶段,鼓励个人提高绩效水平: 规划。制定和衡量与公司目标一致的个人目标,以便人力资源部门评估专业人员的改进情况。 签到。管理人员和团队成员应定期会面,就需要改进的地方和进展情况进行双向交流。 回顾。全年频繁的签到为管理人员和专业人员进行季度或半年度绩效审查做好准备。这些会议有助于管理者准确评估员工的进步、成就和绩效。 绩效管理的常见步骤 设定期望值。绩效管理首先要为员工设定明确、具体和可衡量的期望。这包括确定工作角色、职责和绩效目标。 持续反馈。定期反馈对专业成长和发展至关重要。这就需要管理者与团队成员不断沟通,讨论进展情况,解决疑虑,并提供指导。及时的反馈可确保员工做出必要的调整,以达到绩效预期。 绩效评估。定期绩效评估是绩效管理的重要组成部分。在这些评估中,团队成员的表现将根据既定的期望值进行评估。 专业发展。人力资源领导和管理人员可与个人贡献者合作制定发展计划,其中可能包括培训、指导和额外职责,以提高技能和能力。 表彰和奖励。表彰和奖励出色的绩效可以保持员工的积极性和参与度。 绩效管理为何重要? 通过持续的纠正性反馈,为专业人员提供切实可行的方法来提高他们的工作绩效,从而增强他们在发展过程中的能力。计划周密、标准化的绩效管理方法可以提高: 留住人才。绩效管理为员工创造了更令人满意的工作体验,并以积极的方式向他们提出挑战--让他们全身心投入工作,从而提高留任率。 员工参与度。当专业人员看到自己的努力得到认可和奖励时,他们就会更加投入工作,对工作和组织更加尽心尽力。 生产力。明确的绩效预期和定期反馈可提高个人和组织的生产力,从而增加收入。 实施绩效管理战略,鼓励个人取得更多成就,做出更大贡献,可以提高他们的自主性和积极性。 人力资源领导者如何才能建立有效的绩效管理? 人力资源领导者可以利用以下绩效管理最佳实践,帮助个人提高技能,发展事业: 确定一个框架。确定一种绩效管理方法,既能实现相关目标,又能准确适应被评估的个人职位。例如,人力资源部门可以实施 360 度审查来衡量人员的发展,同时使用目标管理(MBO)来评估主管的成就。 采取积极的方法。以善意和换位思考的态度对待员工,为激励员工积极成长的检查打下基础。管理者不应给专业人员留下一堆无益的负面反馈,而应明确期望,指导个人如何进步。 培训管理者。管理人员是确保绩效管理取得成功的关键人物。他们与团队成员互动的方式既可以激励他们提升绩效,也可以打击他们的士气,让他们泄气。教育管理人员如何指导员工,可以对参与度和工作效率产生积极影响。 始终如一。员工与经理之间的例行检查能让双方保持联系。小范围的非正式会议可以让专业人员随时了解自己的工作表现: 当季度绩效考核来临时,他们可以随时消化收到的反馈。 跟踪绩效管理指标 关注适当的指标可以更容易地跟踪绩效管理策略的影响。需要监控的关键员工绩效指标包括: 工作效率。衡量一个人在一定时间内能完成多少工作,可以说明哪些方面可以得到奖励,哪些方面还有改进的余地。 每名员工的收入。计算专业人员在特定时间段内创造了多少收入,可以更准确地反映他们的绩效。 错误。如果某个团队成员犯了大量错误,工作质量受到影响,这可能表明他们在努力工作,需要更多的培训和支持。 旷工。衡量专业人员缺勤的频率和时间,可以显示他们对团队和工作效率的影响。 加班。这是管理绩效的一个重要指标,因为它可以帮助雇主防止组织内出现职业倦怠。如果某人的工作时间经常超过其标准工作时间,这可能表明他们有太多的事情要做,或者他们感到有很大的压力要超额完成任务。 绩效管理工具 有多种工具可帮助人力资源领导者和组织有效管理绩效: 360度反馈软件。这类软件可以收集同事、经理和组织其他成员对专业人员的反馈意见,从而全面了解他们的绩效。 绩效评估软件。这些平台可帮助管理人员自动进行绩效评估、设定目标并跟踪专业人员的进展情况。 学习管理系统(LMS)。当一个人难以达到最佳表现时,他们可能需要额外的培训来支持他们。LMS 平台是提供培训和发展计划的绝佳工具,可以提高他们的技能。 员工表彰软件。工作中的表彰会极大地影响员工的工作表现。员工表彰软件可以轻松建立一种文化,对持续达到或超过绩效预期的员工给予认可和激励。 绩效管理如何改善公司文化? 绩效管理系统能够激发员工的潜能,是公司成功的核心要素。定期为员工提供鼓励、支持和指导,能让他们成为公司中乐于奉献、蓬勃发展的一员。因此,这些参与其中的专业人员有助于建立健康、繁荣的工作文化。 以下为文章原文: What is performance management? Performance management is a method of tracking professionals’ work performance and developing their skills so they can contribute effectively toward department and company goals. Performance management involves three phases that encourage individuals to improve their performance level: Planning. Establishing and measuring individual goals that also align with company objectives allows HR to assess a professional’s improvements. Check-in. Managers and team members should meet regularly to engage in two-way conversations about areas for improvement and progress. Review. Frequent check-ins throughout the year prepare managers and professionals for quarterly or biannual performance reviews. These meetings help managers accurately assess people’s progress, achievements, and performance. Common steps in performance management Setting expectations. Performance management begins with establishing clear, specific, and measurable expectations for your people. This involves defining job roles, responsibilities, and performance goals. Continuous feedback. Regular feedback is essential for professional growth and development. This entails ongoing communication between managers and team members to discuss progress, address concerns, and offer guidance. Timely feedback ensures that people can make the necessary adjustments to meet performance expectations. Performance evaluation. Regular performance evaluations are an important part of performance management. During these evaluations, team members are assessed based on their performance against the established expectations. Professional development. HR leaders and managers can collaborate with individual contributors to create development plans—which may include training, mentoring, and additional responsibilities—to enhance skills and competencies. Recognition and rewards. Recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance maintains people’s motivation and engagement. Why is performance management important? Providing professionals with practical ways to better their work performance through consistent, corrective feedback empowers them during their development journey. A well-planned, standardized approach to performance management can increase: Retention. Performance management creates a more satisfying work experience for people and challenges them in a positive way—keeping them engrossed in their work and boosting retention. Employee engagement. When professionals see that their efforts are recognized and rewarded, they become more engaged and committed to their work and the organization. Productivity. Clear performance expectations and regular feedback improve individual as well as organizational productivity, increasing revenue. Implementing a performance management strategy that encourages individuals to achieve more and increase their contributions can foster their autonomy and motivation. What can HR leaders do to establish effective performance management? HR leaders can use the following performance management best practices to help individuals sharpen their skills and develop their careers: Decide on a framework. Identify a performance management method that addresses relevant goals and accurately fits the individual positions under evaluation. For example, HR may implement a 360-degree review to gauge personnel development while using management by objectives (MBO) to assess supervisors’ achievements. Take a positive approach. Treating people with goodwill and empathy sets the groundwork for check-ins that can inspire positive growth. Rather than leaving a professional with a load of unhelpful, negative feedback, managers should clarify expectations and coach individuals on how to progress. Train managers. Managers are the key players in ensuring successful performance management. The way they interact with team members can either inspire them to elevate their performance or demoralize and deflate them. Educating managers to coach their people can positively impact engagement and productivity. Be consistent. Routine employee-manager check-ins enable both parties to maintain a connection. Bite-sized, informal meetings allow professionals to keep a finger on the pulse of their work performance: When the quarterly performance review rolls around, they can readily digest the feedback they receive. Tracking performance management metrics Keeping an eye on the appropriate metrics can make it easier to track the impact of a performance management strategy. Key employee performance metrics to monitor include: Work efficiency. Measuring how much work a person can complete within a certain period of time can indicate what can be rewarded and where there’s room for improvement. Revenue per employee. Calculating how much revenue a professional generates within a particular time period can give a more accurate picture of their performance. Errors. If a team member is committing a large number of errors and the quality of their work is suffering, it can be a sign that they’re struggling and need more training and support. Absenteeism. Measuring how often and for how long a professional is absent from work can demonstrate their impact on a team and their productivity. Overtime. This is an important metric for managing performance as it can help employers prevent burnout within their organization. If someone regularly works more than their standard hours it can indicate that they have too much to do or that they feel a lot of pressure to overachieve. Performance management tools There are a variety of tools available to help HR leaders and organizations manage performance effectively: 360-degree feedback software. This type of software gathers feedback on professionals from their colleagues, managers, and other members of the organization to provide a comprehensive view of their performance. Performance appraisal software. These platforms help managers automate performance evaluations, set goals, and track the progress of professionals. Learning management systems (LMS). When a person is struggling to perform at their best, they may need additional training to support them. LMS platforms are an excellent tool for delivering training and development programs that can enhance their skills. Employee recognition software. Recognition at work can strongly influence people’s performance. Employee recognition software makes it easy to establish a culture that acknowledges and incentivizes people who consistently meet or exceed performance expectations. How does performance management improve company culture? A performance management system that empowers people to reach their potential is a core component of company success. Providing individuals with regular encouragement, support, and direction enables them to become contributing, thriving members of the company. As a result, these engaged professionals can help build a healthy, flourishing work culture.
  • 专业发展
    【美国】教育支持系统供应商Concentric Educational Solutions获得500万美元A轮融资 Concentric Educational Solutions 是一家总部位于美国的教育支持系统供应商,公司获得了 500 万美元的 A 轮融资。 本轮融资由 New Markets Venture Partners 领投。 公司打算利用这笔资金加速发展,并建立自己的服务套件和慈善基金会,为学生提供家庭和学校支持。 在首席执行官 David Heiber 博士的领导下,Concentric Educational Solutions 公司成立的宗旨是通过识别对教育产生负面影响的障碍,为学生、家庭和学校提供支持,并提供资源和服务以提高学生成绩。目前,公司提供家访、辅导、家教、专业发展、学校文化和氛围、学生支持服务、技术援助、多层支持系统(MTSS)以及社会和情感学习等服务。 CES 与学校和学区合作,对情况进行评估,并确定实施可持续变革的行动方案。针对以学生成绩为重点的四个组成部分(组织与领导力发展、学校文化与氛围、学生支持服务和特殊教育支持),Concentric 采用结构化流程,在充分利用组织内各级现有支持的同时,快速跟踪和评估改进情况。 迄今为止,CES 已与 200 多所学校和地区建立了合作关系,如巴尔的摩市公立学校、安妮阿伦德尔县公立学校和韦恩 RESA(密歇根州)。 公司核心服务包括: 家访 辅导和家教 专业发展 学校文化和氛围 学生支持服务 技术援助 多层支持系统(MTSS) 社会与情感学习 关于Concentric Educational Solutions Concentric 的使命是通过识别对教育产生负面影响的障碍,为学生、家庭和学校提供支持,并提供资源和服务以提高学生成绩。让所有学生都能获得优质教育所需的必要支持服务和资源。