• 竞争力薪酬
    【美国】牙科人员配置解决方案提供商Kwikly Dental Staffing获得一笔未披露金额的A轮融资 总部位于明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市的牙科人员配置解决方案提供商 Kwikly Dental Staffing 在 A 轮融资中筹集了一笔未披露金额的资金。支持者包括 Heartland Dental 和一个专门的投资者网络。 公司打算利用这笔资金进一步加强其在全国范围内的扩张以及技术和服务。 Kwikly Dental Staffing 首席执行官 Pedram Nastaean 说:"这次成功的 A 轮融资标志着 Kwikly 的发展历程翻开了新的篇章。“我们的使命一直是让牙科诊所更轻松地招聘员工,同时为牙科专业人士提供有价值的机会。这笔资金将帮助我们在更大的范围内实现这一使命。 人员配备是当今牙科行业面临的最大问题之一。预计大约三分之一的牙科助理和卫生员将在未来五年内退休,因此对合格专业人员的需求比以往任何时候都要高。不断进步的牙科诊所和公司通过与 Kwikly 等创新公司合作,保持积极主动和超前意识,确保能够获得最佳人才,并为应对未来的人员挑战做好准备。 Kwikly 由在牙科行业拥有实际经验的人员创建,专为牙科诊所和专业人员设计。公司的先进技术提供了一个无缝、用户友好的平台,使人员招聘工作毫无压力。对于牙科诊所而言,这意味着可靠、优质的专业人员唾手可得。对于牙科专业人员来说,这意味着灵活的时间安排、有竞争力的薪酬和业内最好的支持。 关于 Kwikly Dental Staffing Kwikly Dental Staffing是牙科人员招聘解决方案的第一资源,通过一个易于使用的平台将牙科诊所与一流的专业人员联系起来。作为业内公认的佼佼者,Kwikly 提供灵活、可靠的人员配置解决方案,旨在满足当今牙科诊所和专业人员的需求。凭借先进的技术和追求卓越的承诺,Kwikly 为牙科人员招聘设定了标准。
  • 竞争力薪酬
    【HR术语】什么是员工忠诚度?(What is employee loyalty?) 什么是员工忠诚度? 员工忠诚度是指员工选择长期为公司工作,因为他们喜欢这样做。他们对工作环境感到满意,积极进取,为实现公司目标而努力工作,并相信企业的使命。如果忠诚的员工发现了其他地方的机会,他们就不太可能跳槽。 如果能提高员工忠诚度,不仅能提高员工保留率,还能对企业整体产生积极影响。 为什么员工忠诚度对企业很重要? 员工忠诚度对企业非常重要,因为它对有效的人力资本管理以及企业的整体成功有着巨大的影响。它能为企业带来诸多好处,包括: 提高利润 降低员工流失率 提高生产力和员工参与度 对客户产生积极影响 提升品牌形象 健康的企业文化--因为忠诚的团队成员会以积极的态度感染他人 如何衡量员工忠诚度? 衡量员工忠诚度的方法有: 开展调查。定期开展员工敬业度调查和员工满意度调查,有助于了解员工的工作积极性,以及他们对为公司工作的感受。 计算员工净促进者得分(eNPS)。这是一种评估员工忠诚度的方法,也是一种确定改进方法的方法。 召开一对一会议。鼓励营造一种坦诚的工作环境,让员工能够自如地与经理或其他相关人员进行一对一谈话。这种形式可以是定期、有计划的会议,也可以是非正式的聊天。这是与专业人士沟通,了解他们感受的好方法。 是什么保持了员工的忠诚度? 员工满意度与忠诚度息息相关。人们会对关心他们并拥有积极工作文化的公司感到忠诚。 但究竟是什么让员工保持忠诚呢?有几个共同的特点: 有竞争力的薪酬 专业成长、学习和职业发展的机会 雇主认可员工的成就,并对他们的辛勤工作表示赞赏 积极、友好、没有欺凌的社交办公环境 专业人员可以灵活安排上班时间,也可以自由选择混合工作或远程工作 雇主信任员工的专业知识,让他们有责任做出与工作相关的决定 雇主尊重专业人员,关心他们的个人和职业发展 良好的工作与生活平衡 专业人员拥有有效开展工作所需的一切工具的环境 鼓励员工诚实反馈和开诚布公的雇主 管理团队在日常工作繁忙时提供帮助,让每个人都能感受到支持和站在同一条战线上 忠诚员工如何表现? 忠诚的员工真正关心他们为之工作的公司,因此他们会确保向你提供诚实的建议和反馈,以帮助你改进工作。 他们会充满好奇心,寻找创新和帮助公司发展的方法,同时也愿意倾听和学习。 忠诚的员工对工作充满热情,因此他们的工作效率会更高。他们以出色完成工作为荣,兢兢业业,并愿意在需要时努力工作--他们会付出额外的努力。忠诚的员工是快乐的,他们会对同事和公司文化产生积极影响,鼓励团队精神。事实上,他们的热情会激励团队的其他成员,帮助企业大步向前。 拥有如此强大的影响力,忠诚的员工对企业的成功至关重要。 如何提高公司员工的忠诚度? 一旦您衡量了公司的忠诚度,请确定您可以在哪些方面加以改进。 在员工满意度调查中,工作与生活的平衡是否多次作为建议出现?还是更具竞争力的薪酬?一旦您意识到可以通过哪些方式更好地支持员工,您就可以制定长期战略。想方设法开始实施保持员工忠诚度的共同特征。 请记住,忠诚的基础是你与团队之间牢固、长期的信任关系。这种关系的建立需要时间,因此可能需要一段时间才能看到员工忠诚度的提高。 毕竟,你要改变的是企业文化,这不可能一蹴而就。 您制定的任何战略都可以包括每周为改善企业文化而采取的行动。一个很好的开始就是定期表彰员工,通过每周的奖品--甚至只是一次谈话--来表达你对员工辛勤工作的感激之情。 通过每周的定期行动,你可以向员工表明,你在倾听他们的心声,你关心他们。因为,归根结底,真正重要的是,你和你的管理者要表现出对公司每个人的关心。这样才能培养长期的关系,让员工也关心你,这样才能建立员工的忠诚度。 以下为文章原文: What is employee loyalty? Employee loyalty is when your people choose to continue working with you for a long time because they love doing so. They’re happy with the working environment, are motivated, work hard to achieve company goals, and believe in the business’s mission. Loyal employees are less likely to jump ship if they spot opportunities elsewhere. If you improve employee loyalty, you won’t just boost your employee retention rates—you’ll notice a positive effect on your business as a whole. Why is employee loyalty important to companies? Employee loyalty is very important to companies because it has a huge bearing on effective human capital management, as well as on their overall success. It can provide a number of benefits, including: Boosted profits Reduced employee turnover Increased productivity and employee engagement A positive impact on customers Improved brand image A healthy company culture—because loyal team members have a positive attitude that’s infectious go to promotion How do you measure employee loyalty? You can measure employee loyalty by: Running surveys. Regularly running employee engagement surveys and employee satisfaction surveys helps you understand how motivated your people are to do their work, and how they feel about working for you. Calculating your employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS). This is a way of assessing employee loyalty and identifying ways in which you can improve it. Having one-on-one meetings. Encourage an honest working environment where people feel comfortable having one-on-one conversations with their managers, or with other relevant people. This can be in the form of a regular, scheduled meeting or an informal chat. It’s a good way to connect with professionals to gauge how they feel. What keeps an employee loyal? Employee satisfaction is linked to loyalty. People feel loyal to companies that look after them and that have a positive work culture. But what exactly keeps an employee loyal? There are several common features: Competitive pay Opportunities for professional growth, learning, and career advancement An employer that recognizes people’s achievements, and shows appreciation for their hard work A positive, friendly, and social office environment that’s free from bullying The possibility for professionals to have flexible start times, as well as the freedom to choose between hybrid or remote work An employer that trusts their people’s expertise, giving them the responsibility to make decisions associated with their work An employer that treats professionals with respect, caring about them both personally and professionally A good work-life balance An environment where professionals have all the tools they need to carry out their work effectively An employer that encourages honest employee feedback and openness A management team that helps with the day-to-day tasks when it’s busy, so that everyone feels supported and on the same side How does a loyal employee behave? Loyal employees genuinely care about the company they work for, so they’ll make sure they give you honest advice and feedback to help you improve. They’ll be curious, and look for ways to innovate and help the company grow, but they’re also willing to listen and learn. Loyal employees are passionate about the work they do and will be more productive as a result. They take pride in a job well done, are dedicated, and are willing to work hard when needed—they’ll go the extra mile. A loyal employee is happy and will have a positive influence on their colleagues, and on the company culture, encouraging team spirit. In fact, their enthusiasm will inspire the rest of the team, helping your business to take great strides forward. With such a powerful influence, loyal employees are crucial to your success. How can you improve employee loyalty at your company? Once you’ve measured company loyalty, identify what areas in particular you could improve on. Did work-life balance repeatedly come up as a suggestion in an employee satisfaction survey? Or more competitive salaries? Once you’re aware of the ways in which you can better support your people, you can create a long-term strategy. Find ways to start putting in place the common features that keep people loyal. Remember that the foundation of loyalty is a solid, long-term relationship of trust between you and your team. This kind of relationship can take time to develop, so it may take a while before you see an increase in employee loyalty. After all, you’re changing the culture of the business, which is unlikely to happen overnight. Any strategy you put in place could include actions that you take every week to improve the culture. A great place to start is with regular employee recognition, showing how much you appreciate your people’s hard work through weekly prizes—or even just a conversation. By taking regular action each week, you’ll show your people that you’re listening, and that you care. Because, at the end of the day, what really matters is that you and your managers show that you personally care about each and every person at your company. That’s what nurtures a long-term relationship where your people care about you too, and that’s what will build employee loyalty.