• 职位投递
    eQuest扩展其社交媒体网络到包括Snapchat——eQuest Expands its Social Media Network to Include Snapchat   目前,该网站拥有世界上8个访问量最大的招聘社交媒体网站 2018年9月18日,加州圣拉蒙,eQuest公司今天宣布将Snapchat加入招聘社交媒体网站的名单。就在两周前,该公司刚刚宣布在其社交网络中加入了备受期待的Facebook招聘信息。 超过一半的Snapchat新用户年龄在25岁以上,超过35岁的用户比例正在上升。作为千禧一代的温床,越来越多的公司将Snapchat纳入其招聘策略,因为美国Snapchat的活跃用户中有63%年龄在18岁至34岁之间,而且Snapchat的应用程序最近刚刚在美国安卓商店(Android Store)安装次数最多的应用程序排行榜上超越Twitter。 eQuest与Xing(德国)、微信(中国)、LinkedIn(美国/全球)、新浪微博(中国)、Twitter(全球)、Viadeo(法国)和Facebook(全球)建立了社交网络。 关于eQuest eQuest为全球成千上万的客户提供国内外的职位投递服务。这家拥有24年历史的公司是《财富》1000强企业中大多数人的首选公司,也是甲骨文(Oracle)、IBM、Workday、Ultimate Software等HCM工具的首选合作伙伴,最近谷歌新发布的ATS工具Hire也是如此。eQuest还提供全面的候选人来源跟踪分析,以评估职位委员会的表现,职位委员会谈判服务,和ccp /多样性支持。eQuest是人力资源行业中最受认可和推崇的品牌之一。eQuest的网址是www.equest.com   以上为AI翻译,仅供参考。   原文: Network Now Includes 8 of the Most Visited Social Media Sites in the World for Job Posting September 18, 2018 – San Ramon, Ca – eQuest announced today that it has added Snapchat to its roster of social media outlets for job posting. This after announcing just two weeks ago it added the much anticipated Facebook for Jobs to its social network. Over half of new Snapchat users are over the age of 25 and the percentage of users over 35 is growing. A millennial hotbed, more and more companies are adding Snapchat to its recruiting strategy given that 63 percent of active US Snapchat users are between 18 and 34 and that its app just recently outranked Twitter in the US Android Store’s list of most-installed apps. eQuest rounds out its social network with Xing (Germany), WeChat (China), LinkedIn (US/Global), Weibo (China), Twitter (Global), Viadeo (France), and Facebook for Jobs (Global). About eQuest eQuest provides domestic and international job posting delivery to thousands of customers worldwide. The 24 year old company is the go-to firm for the majority of the Global Fortune 1000 and the partner of choice for HCM tools like Oracle, IBM, Workday, Ultimate Software, and most recently, Google’s newly released ATS tool called Hire. eQuest also provides comprehensive candidate source tracking analysis for evaluating job board performance, job board negotiating services, and OFCCP/Diversity support. eQuest is one of the most recognized and admired brands in the human resource industry. eQuest is located at www.equest.com 原文链接:https://www.equest.com/press-releases/equest-expands-its-social-media-network-to-include-snapchat/