• 自动化会议
    Soild:助你实现自动化会议,把会议的作用发挥到极致 来源:猎云网 (编译:圈圈) Solid,一款全新的针对会议的产品;它能帮你处理会前、会中以及会后的所有问题。这款产品是由Wisembly的工作团队推出,Solid尤其适合小型会议和小公司。 “我们早前就有推出Solid的想法。在我们成立Wisembly时,就致力于为规模在10到15人的会议提供服务。”Wisembly的联合创始人Romain David告诉我说,“但是现在,我们还想为规模更小的公司解决开会问题。” 所以,Wisembly现在推出了两款不同的产品。一款是专为大公司服务的,而另一款就是Solid。这家法国公司并不是想把公司的重心转移到小公司这边,而只是单纯地想增加这项服务罢了。这家初创企业特意为这款产品取了个不同的名字,以免Wisembly的现有用户会搞不清楚状况。 “大多时候,人们不能为每场会议都做好充分准备,有时都没有时间为最后一场会议做好会议报告。”David说道。既然这样的话,那你要怎么做才能通过Solid实现自动化会议呢?第一步,登陆你的Google或者Office 365账户;这样Solid便会从你的日历上获取你所有会议日程的信息,而且它会自动忽略日历上记录的其它日程。 接下来,你就可以看看你最近的会议是在什么时候,提前为这些会议做好准备,并确认一下你已经准备了什么以及还有什么需要准备。下图就是Solid的主要界面: 你可以提前在Solid上增加目标和日程,每项议程项目都包括笔记,每条笔记里都能包括可行动项目。你可以通过拖放项目来给它们重新排序,排放顺序有其严格的逻辑结构。Solid是专为会议设计,所以它要比一份空的Word文件更具条理性。 一旦你开始开会,你就可以使用Solid上的笔记,并把文件添加上去;在这之后,就没你什么事了,你只需注意会议该什么时候结束。会议结束后,你可以把报告发送到Slack、Evernote或是邮箱里。当然,你的所有报告也可在Solid上使用。 最后,你可以审查一些关于你会议的文件,确认一下随着时间的推移,会议的效率有没有提高。目前,Solid只有免费的公测版本,但这家公司正在努力让它可适用于iOS应用上。 Source:TC Solid Automates Your Meetings To Get The Most Out Of Them Meet Solid, a brand new service to help you with your meetings, before, during and after they take place. Coming from the team behind Wisembly, Solid is perfect for smaller meetings and smaller companies.   “We’ve had the idea for Solid for a while. When we launched Wisembly, we were working on meetings with 10 or 15 people,” co-founder Romain David told me. “But we wanted to address smaller meetings in smaller companies.”   So Wisembly now works on two separate products — Wisembly for bigger companies, and Solid. The French company isn’t pivoting, it’s just adding a new additional service. The startup picked a different name to avoid the confusion for existing Wisembly users.   “Most of the time, people don’t prepare for meetings, and there is no meeting report from the last one,” David said. How do you automate meetings? First, you sign up using your Google or Office 365 account. Solid will fetch all your meetings from your calendar. Other events in your calendar will be ignored.   Then, you can see your upcoming meetings, work on them in advance, see what you’ve already done and more. Here’s the main interface of Solid: You can add goals and an agenda in advance. Each agenda item can contain notes. Each note can contain actionable items. You can reorder everything by dragging and dropping, and everything is organized in this rigid structure. Because it’s specifically made for meetings, it’s less daunting than an empty Word document.   Once you start the meeting, you can take notes, add documents and keep an eye on the clock. At the end of the meeting, you can export a report in Slack, Evernote or an email. And of course, all your reports stay available in Solid.   Finally, you can view some stats about your meetings to see if you’re becoming more efficient over time for example. For now, it’s a free public beta. The company is working on an iOS app.  