【旧金山】AI驱动人才管理科技公司Censia 完成 2100 万美元的 A 轮融资
支持 AI 的人才智能平台丰富和简化了人才管理生命周期,帮助组织寻找、保留和培养多元化和面向未来的劳动力。
人才智能技术的领先供应商Censia今天宣布已在由Marbruck Investments 领投的一轮 A 轮融资中筹集了2100 万美元。Marbruck 加入现有投资者 Streamlined Ventures、Merus Capital、The CXO Fund 和 CerraCap,使公司的总资金超过 3000 万美元。
有了这笔资金,Censia 将扩大进入市场的努力,扩大其 API 优先的产品,并继续为人才招聘和劳动力规划进行产品创新,通过人工智能为未来的人力资源技术提供动力。
Censia 建立在这样一种信念之上,即人才决策中的无意识偏见正在影响全球数十亿优秀人才获得应得的机会,导致人才短缺,并影响组织的底线。
“我们招聘、雇用和晋升的方式是不知情的、主观的和手动的。Censia 正在通过使全球人才信息民主化来改变这种状况,”Censia 首席执行官兼联合创始人乔安娜·莱利 (Joanna Riley) 说。“通过构建一个人才智能平台,将数十亿个数据点与公共和专有数据相关联,Censia 使企业能够做出无偏见的数据驱动的人员决策。这是商业和人类的双赢。”
Censia 人才智能平台将人工智能和机器学习应用于人才数据,使人才招聘和人力资源专业人员能够通过 API 作为无头解决方案提供持续、广泛和可操作的见解。Censia 目前与许多领先的 HR 系统集成,包括 Workday、iCIM、SAP SuccessFactors、Recruiter.com、Jobvite、Greenhouse、Phenom、Lever 和 Smart Recruiter,并且最近为其 API 产品推出了一个开发人员资源站点。
Marbruck Investments 的执行合伙人 James Taylor 表示:“我们正处于全球人力资本管理发生巨大转变的战壕中。“在过去的一年里,我们资助了多家令人振奋的行业重新定义公司,并投资了 Censia,因为他们的 API 优先方法使组织能够利用正确的情报来增强和扩展人才生命周期的每个阶段,从而更有效地做出更明智的招聘决策、人才管理和战略劳动力规划,无论其人力资源堆栈的构成如何。”
Censia 在 2020 年期间增长了 10 倍以上,并一直持续到 2021 年,因为人才市场的快速和剧烈变化迫使公司重新思考他们如何寻找和管理人才。根据麦肯锡的一项研究,数字化转型提前了七年,对新的和急需的数字技能组合的需求呈指数级增长。与大流行相关的失业与大流行后的员工大规模迁移相结合,因为 Achiever 的报告显示,多达 52% 的员工打算在 2021 年寻找新工作。 结果,在人才短缺日益严重的情况下,招聘团队已经不堪重负。更加关注候选人的多样性。人力资源领导者越来越多地转向技术来提供解决方案。
Streamlined Ventures 创始人兼普通合伙人 Ullas Naik 表示:“当前市场格局对人才智能技术的需求是巨大的,团队需要一种以更少的资源做更多的事情、提高生产力并保持领先地位的方法。新兴技能。Censia 准备为企业提供巨大的价值,指导他们提供实现这一目标所需的数据以及更多。”
- Joanna Riley,Censia的首席执行官和联合创始人
关于 Censia
Censia 帮助企业招聘、培养和留住高质量、多元化的员工队伍,并预测未来的人才需求,从而以目前所需时间和成本的一小部分来快速扩展、实现创新和提高卓越运营
个性化营销公司 Bluecore获2100万美元 B 轮融资
据科技媒体 VB 消息,日前,个性化营销方案提供公司 Bluecore 获得 2100万美元 B 轮融资,本轮融资由 Georgian Partners 领投。
据网站介绍,这家公司的发展速度非常快,全年经常性收入(ARR)的增速为每 45 天增加 100 万美元。
Bluecore 提供的方案可以让营销人员很好的利用,主要是通过一些行为数据和电子邮件与客户接触;
在产品方面, Bluecore 还提供一个产品目录数据,方便企业改变价格和库存。
目前包括Staples、Express和Cabelas 等电子商务公司都采用 Bluecore提供的营销方案。B轮融资的资金提供方Georgian Partners 非常看好提供企业服务且成长迅速的初创公司,之前投过的公司还有Shopify、Tealium和FreshBooks。
Bluecore raises eight-figure series B for email personalization
Bluecore, a marketing automation solution focused on personalization, has raised $21 million in its series B round of investment.
The company has been growing quickly, adding $1 million in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) every 45 days, and doubling AAR every six months. A number of top ecommerce retailers are now customers, including Staples, Express, and Cabelas.
This kind of growth has impressed investors, including Georgian Partners, which led the round. Georgian has focused investments in companies applying analytics to improve or automate existing processes. Previous investments include companies like Shopify, Tealium, and FreshBooks.
What sets Bluecore apart?
Bluecore lets marketers use behavioral data to personalize customer engagements, primarily via email. We’ve found in our own research that behavioral data is often the most valuable type of data for marketers. Behavioral data provides real-time insight about a consumer’s interest and intent, most of it coming from web and mobile activity.
Yet most marketers today haven’t been able to capitalize on this data. One reason for Bluecore’s success is its ability to capture and process large volumes of behavioral data, like product page views, search term use, and cart abandonment. In conjunction with behavioral data, Bluecore also uses product catalog data, including changes in price or inventory.
Consumers increasingly expect personalization and are unsubscribing from irrelevant emails. As a result, marketers are looking to personalization as a way to increase relevance, along with key metrics and revenue.
In ourublishe report on email personalization pd yesterday, we found that the vast majority of marketers reported increased open rates and click-through rates (CTR) by employing some form of email personalization (including even the most basic personalization tactics).
We also found that email personalization reduces unsubscribe rates and increases revenue by an even greater factor (around 6x).
Most marketers still rate poorly on our email personalization maturity framework, but growing interest will continue to fuel investment in marketing automation and personalization tools like Bluecore.
For those interested in the technical details, Bluecore explained in an email that it drives personalization in several ways, including:
Similar products versus recommendations based on co-view and co-purchase models
Aggregated profile data based on session searches, category navigation and facets, as well as wish list, add to cart, and purchase behavior.
Audience data based on product catalog analytics, used to personalize emails by answering questions like “If the inventory drops on a product by more than 50%, which customers are the most likely to buy the fastest?”
The new round of funding will bring Bluecore’s total funding since 2013 to $28.2 million.