• Cazena
    大数据服务平台Cazena获2000万美元B轮融资 Cazena,一家帮助企业处理数据的新平台,今天宣布已获2000万美元B轮融资,融资由Formation 8领投。其他的投资方包括Andreessen Horowitz和North Bridge Venture Partners,他们也参与了去年十月Cazena800万美元的A轮融资。   Cazena由部分Netezza的前任员工创办,Prat Moghe是公司的领头人。2010年Netezza被IBM收购时,他担任数据监察部门总经理,收购后,任职高级副总裁,负责产品、战略和市场营销。   在IBM干了一段时间后,Moghe觉得是时候用新的视角来解决Netezza曾遭遇的一些问题了。“在看到企业都是如何同全新的大数据堆栈(如Hadoop,一种分布式系统基础架构)挣扎较劲的情况下,我们开始思考下一个十年数据处理的前景,”他说道。“每一个企业,尤其是中大型企业,都在积极寻找着能提高进程灵敏度的云方法,但是现有平台的复杂性和安全问题是很大的障碍。”   Cazena 的目标是极大简化商业中的大数据进程处理。Moghe设想,最终的理想状态是,使用Cazena时只需点三下,就能设置好数据处理工作(当然现阶段还有一些问题需要解决)。 这项服务通过自动搜寻到,处理设定数据组的分析技术方案,从而解决掉处理的复杂性。接下来,它会替客户自动的规定、优化和管理工作流程,无论是Hadoop、Spark、MPP还是SQL9(如Amazon Redshift)类型的结构。   根据你的工作量和其他标准,如价格或是你想要获得结果的速度,Cazena会为你提供适当的基础结构,然后全程关注进度。“最终,数据即服务成为一个新的分类,我们希望能助企业一臂之力,让他们用好云计算。”   Cazena花费了约两年的时间,才公开他们的新产品。但Moghe说,公司尚在和一小部分大型企业合作,进行β测试,现在还没有达到完全开放服务的阶段。   当准备就绪的时候,Cazena会使用相对特别的定价计划。Moghe说,计划是针对服务,包括所有的云计算成本、支持和SLA开销,收取单一费用。他认为,目前针对云处理的收费系统,如gigabyte、note,对企业而言结果都太难预测。   公司的这一轮融资资金,将会用于技术开发、销售推广和合作伙伴建设。   Cazena Raises $20M Series B For Its Enterprise Big Data-As-A-Service Platform Cazena, a new platform that wants to make it easier for enterprises to process their data, today announced that it has raised a $20 million Series B round led by Formation 8. Other participants include Andreessen Horowitz and North Bridge Venture Partners, who both also participated in the company’s $8 million series A round last October.   Cazena was founded by a number of former Netezza employees and is now led by Prat Moghe, who was Netezza’s general manager for data compliance before its acquisition by IBM in 2010. He then became the senior vice president for strategy, product and marketing at Netezza under IBM’s ownership.   After a few years at IBM, Moghe decided that it was time to look at some of the problems Netezza was trying to solve from a fresh perspective. “We started thinking about the next decade of data processing and how enterprises are struggling with the new big data stacks like Hadoop,” he told us. “Every enterprise — and particular the medium to large enterprises — they were actively looking at the cloud to speed up the agility of processing. But they were being held back by the complexity and security issues [of the existing platforms].” Cazena aims to greatly simplify big data processing for businesses. Ideally, it should only take three clicks to set up a data processing job with Cazena, Moghe believes (though in reality, it’s still a bit more involved right now). The service strips away the complexities by trying to automatically figure out what technology to use to analyze a given set of data. It then automatically provisions, optimizes and manages that workflow for its customers, no matter whether it’s a Hadoop, Spark or MPP SQL (think Amazon Redshift) job. Depending on your workload and other criteria like price or how fast you need the results, Cazena will provision the right infrastructure for you and then take care of the processing. “Ultimately, data as a service is a new category and we want to help big enterprises get into the cloud,” Moghe said.   It took the Cazena about two years to get to this point where it’s openly talking about the new product. But while Moghe told me that the company is already running some beta tests with a small number of large companies, Cazena isn’t quite ready to open up its service to all yet.   Once it does launch, though, it will do so with a relatively unusual pricing plan. Moghe tells me that the plan is to charge a single fee for the service that will include all of the cloud costs, support and an SLA. He argues that current cloud processing systems that charge by gigabyte or node are too unpredictable for enterprises.   The new funding the company announced today will go toward building out the company’s technology, sales force and partnerships.   来源:tc