GDRP产生新生意:Ethyca融资420万美元,帮助企业以简化GDPR合规性GDRP 是什么可以看点这里详细。
什么是GDPR?General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”)
欧洲数据隐私法规GDPR已经实施了一年多,但对公司来说仍然是一个挑战。纽约市创业公司Ethyca已经从头开始创建了一个解决方案,以帮助客户遵守法规,今天它宣布了由IA Ventures和Founder Collective领导的420万美元投资。Table Management, Sinai Ventures, Cheddar founder Jon Steinberg and Moat co-founder Jonah Goodhart also participated.跟投了
公司联合创始人Cillian Kieran表示,自动化组件是关键,应该大大降低与遵守GDPR规则相关的复杂性和成本。从他的角度来看,目前的解决方案涉及昂贵的顾问或需要一些人工干预的解决方案,并不能让公司一路走来。
美国最大的专注于员工福利和人力资源的公司OneDigital Health and Benefits收购了Northwestern Benefit,该公司是亚特兰大领先的员工福利经纪公司,也是美国最大的独立福利公司之一。这是OneDigital历史上最大的一笔收购,使该公司在全国拥有近5万个雇主客户和1600多名员工。此前,该公司在2018年进行了28次收购,在2019年迄今已进行了5次收购,这帮助该公司年营收增长至4亿美元以上。
Northwestern Benefit已经在乔治亚州和全国范围内为客户提供超过20年的服务,服务范围包括福利、合规、健康、人力资源咨询、员工教育和战略劳动力规划。由于这两家公司在亚特兰大拥有互补的能力和数百名面向客户的员工,OneDigital将能够从更深层的层面部署专家团队,为解决方案雇主带来尽可能好的福利和人力资源。Northwestern Benefit的现有客户也将受益于OneDigital的全国规模、基础设施和领导地位。
OneDigital联合创始人兼首席增长官迈克•沙利文(Mike Sullivan)表示:“Northwestern Benefit拥有成熟的销售文化和完善的客户服务模式,显著扩大了我们的中等市场规模和能力。”“这对一家数字公司来说是一个革命性的组合,我们正在寻找全国范围内更多实力最强、最具创新力的公司。我们预计今年将有25宗以上的收购,使我们的收入突破5亿美元大关,并进一步巩固我们作为美国领先的福利和人力资源咨询公司的地位。”
Northwestern Benefit首席执行官大卫·阿斯伯里将作为高级管理负责人加入OneDigital团队,其他员工将继续担任面向客户或公司的职位。
“OneDigital和Northwestern Benefit在如何服务客户和考虑福利市场的未来方面有着如此强烈的一致性,”Northwestern Benefit首席执行官戴维•阿斯伯里(David Asbury)表示。“随着利润空间不断巩固,我们考虑了收购方,找到合适的合作伙伴对我来说非常重要。凭借OneDigital的规模、覆盖范围和长远愿景,我们知道,我们的组织将会融合在一起,并立即变得更加强大。”
原文链接:OneDigital Health and Benefits Acquires Northwestern Benefit in Biggest Acquisition in Company History
8种方式区块链将影响人力资源由Norberts Erts撰写
“区块链对金融行业的影响是众所周知的,但在工作领域使用该技术的潜力巨大,很快将改变人力资源和招聘,”海斯在新加坡的业务总监Grant Torrens说。
1. 招聘
“我们招聘不同类型的工人存在问题。这些包括偏见和偏见,缺乏可用工作人员的可见性,对集中式社交网络的低信任度,垃圾邮件以及对中介机构的高额费用。我们现在有机会建立下一代工作平台,这些平台由人工智能,移动和区块链等技术支持,这是比特币背后的基础技术。“Andrew Spence,Glass Bead Consulting的人力资源转型总监
2. 验证
3. 背调
Jacky Carter,集团数字业务总监
4. 智能合约
智能合约也支持“ gig经济”的兴起,因为如果他们是组织供应链的一部分,那么工人将受益于这样的合同系统和付款。
5. 员工生命周期
区块链技术的实施会破坏整个员工的生命周期,因为目前招聘和招聘新员工的程序可能很长。从进行面试,检查资格,验证工作背景和收集参考资料或申请必要的安全检查 - 这都需要时间。
6. 安全'交易'
7. 出勤
对于ID2020,区块链技术用于存储生物识别数据,例如指纹或虹膜扫描,用于合法ID和记录保存。 组织可以使用这种存储唯一员工数据的技术来跟踪工资和索赔目的的出勤率和费用。
8. 合规与审计
我们仍在密切关注人力资源中的区块链将如何发展,以及它将如何改善业务运营方式 - 不用担心,我们一定会让您及时更新!
来自Norberts Erts的Guest Post,人力资源软件公司CakeHR的联合创始人 ,简化了全球客户的出勤和绩效管理。
While blockchain is widely associated with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology is set to revolutionize how the HR and recruitment functions operate within business.
Blockchain, the decentralized distributed database, is being trialled and implemented by numerous companies across multiple industries on a global scale. No longer confined to cryptocurrency, blockchain’s capabilities can be extended to sectors such as logistics, fashion, healthcare and even humanitarian causes like we can see with the ID2020 digital identity initiative which aims to provide a global identity solution for refugees.
At present, we see companies such as Hays and NRG are in the initial stages of jumping on the blockchain bandwagon and it won’t be long until the HR and recruitment processes are likely to become more streamlined with this tech.
“Blockchain’s implications for the finance industry are well-known, but the potential to use the technology in the world of work is huge and it will soon transform HR and recruitment,” says Grant Torrens, Business Director of Hays in Singapore
So how will blockchain impact the HR function?
1. Recruitment
Recruitment takes up a lot of time and resources within the HR department, so much so that organizations turn to third party agencies or recruiters to claim back the time. But as those methods usually come with a hefty fee, it can be quite counterproductive.
As most of the candidate information usually sourced during the recruitment phase can already be viewed on the blockchain, there’s a huge amount of the process already streamlined. Resumes will be a thing of the past and looking at grades, certificates, work history and experience will be easily verified and visible to people with direct involvement.
“There are problems with our recruitment of different types of workers. These include prejudice and bias, lack of visibility of available workers, low levels of trust in centralised social networks, spam and high fees to intermediaries. We now have the opportunity to build the next generation work platforms enabled by technology such as artificial intelligence, mobile and blockchain, the underlying technology behind Bitcoin.” Andrew Spence, HR Transformation Director at Glass Bead Consulting
With blockchain creating the option to eliminate many of the third party and back office elements of recruitment, blockchain could potentially be responsible for recruiters becoming redundant.
2. Verification
CompTIA uncovered that 51 per cent of early adopters of blockchain currently use it to verify digital identities and this is because the data stored comes from trusted sources such as authorized institutes.
Being able to verify individuals’ identities, background and work experience alongside real time information relating to pay and claims will undoubtedly free up some much needed time to allow HR to focus on the more strategic goals of the business.
3. Referencing
The process of employee referencing has changed a lot over the years and it looks likely to change again soon. As HR will have access to a candidate’s employment record that is accurate and reportedly impossible to falsify, the referencing process will become more transparent and address fraudulent credentials, increasing the chances of you hiring talent better suited to the business.
“Once someone has done a degree, they will just put their certificate in blockchain and it never needs to be verified again,”
Jacky Carter, Group Digital Engagement Director at
4. Smart Contracts
It’s reported that 45 per cent of early adopters of blockchain are already implementing smart contracts within their organizations.
Smart contracts between an employer and its workforce will make it possible for workers to be paid automatically thanks to a code which will determine what happens to the money once it comes in and certain conditions are created. The distribution of wages can happen instantly with no risk of delays or fraud.
Smart contracts also support the rise of the ‘gig economy’ as gig workers would benefit from such a system of contracts and payments being made if they are part of the supply chain of an organization.
Not having to upload workers onto the payroll system, being able to outline the terms upfront and having the ability to switch on and off a contract will be quite appealing for employers and their HR teams that are used to adhering to normal procedures.
5. Employee Life-Cycle
The whole employee life-cycle would be disrupted by the implementation of blockchain technology as the current procedure to hire and on-board a new recruit can be lengthy. From conducting the interviews, checking qualifications, validating work background and gathering references or applying for the necessary security checks – it all takes time.
This process continues throughout employment (for example, if the role changes, further qualifications are obtained or different management is assigned during a handover) until eventually the employee exits the company.
And it still doesn’t end there!
Then you may be requested to forward some of this data to potential new employers for their checks on that individual and alongside this the whole process renews again.
As blockchain would already hold all of this validated information, it would significantly reduce the time and energy spent on this process, simplifying the whole HR experience.
6. Secure ‘Transactions’
‘Transactions’ in a blockchain setting can be anything from an exchange of personal information, work history, records to financial details and cryptocurrencies.
The capabilities of cybersecurity are changing the future of these transactions as the information stored on blockchain are secured through cryptography which makes it extremely difficult to tamper with.
Knowing that blockchain is an enabler of secure transactions should put employer and employee minds at ease. Less risk means less claims of security or data breaches being made for HR to tackle.
7. Attendance
For ID2020, the blockchain technology is used to store biometric data, such as a fingerprint or iris scan, for legal ID and record-keeping. Organizations could use this technique of storing unique employee data to track attendance and expenses for wages and claim purposes.
Human resources would have visibility to the real-time data and there would be no dispute that the records are accurate, strengthening the trust element in payment authorization and looking into claims made. This would decrease errors and frustration caused between the HR and Payroll departments.
8. Compliance & Auditing
49 per cent of companies already implementing blockchain, use the technology for compliance and auditing purposes and it’s easy to see why.
With the data stored within the blockchain already accurate and validated, audit checks for compliance would be easy to conduct and readily visible to those authorized.
It looks like blockchain technology would be a welcome addition to HR that is likely to free up time and resources needed to focus on core business goals and objectives whilst strengthening the role of HR as a strategic partner.
We are still closely watching how blockchain in HR will evolve and how it will potentially improve the way business operates – don’t worry, we will be sure to keep you updated!
So are you working within an organization that has implemented blockchain technology? We would love to hear about your experience!
Just to recap, here are 8 ways blockchain will impact HR:
Smart Contracts
Employee Life Cycle
Secure Transactions
Compliance and Auditing
Guest Post from Norberts Erts, Co-founder of HR software companyCakeHR that streamlines attendance and performance management for customers worldwide.