• 制定透明指导方针
    【HR术语】什么是工作场所的 DEI&B?(What is DEI&B in the workplace?) 什么是工作场所的 DEI&B? 工作场所的多样性、公平性、包容性和归属感(DEI&B)是相互交织的价值观,涉及聘用不同背景和观点的个人,并全心全意地鼓励他们参与。 多样性通常包括不同的平等代表权: 种族 年龄 性别 性取向 生活方式 才能 个性特征 身体残疾 个人信仰 工作场所的多样性有哪些不同类型? 实现工作场所多元化的方法多种多样。让我们来看看公司努力纳入的四种常见多样性类型: 内部多样性是指一个人与生俱来的条件,包括: 比赛 种族 年龄 外部多样性是指一个人的素质会随着时间的推移而发生变化,包括: 教育 个人兴趣 技能 社会经济地位 组织多样性是指根据人们的工作状况对其进行分类的不同方式,如: 工作 工作地点 部门 资历级别 世界观多样性包括具有以下不同观点的人: 政治信仰 世界观 道德价值观 多样性与包容性有何区别? 多样性是指不同的人共同组成一个公司。全纳是指公司如何将人们融合成一个有凝聚力的整体。您的公司可能由来自不同文化、政治背景和年龄的人组成。 然而,要想包容每一个人,就必须对人们的差异给予接纳、心理安全和重视。此外,包容还能为多样性提供沃土,促进对话、创新、公司发展和改进。 什么是工作场所的公平? 公平是指根据每个人的独特需求,为他们提供公平的机会。公平的例子包括 为公司每个人提供相同数量的假期和 PTO 日,并允许他们随意使用。这种政策考虑到了不同文化背景的人可能有不同的需求。 招聘做法透明。从一开始就对薪酬和工作要求保持透明的组织往往能够吸引更多不同的候选人,这有助于打造一支更加多元化、公平和包容的员工队伍。 为所有团队成员提供职业发展机会。这可以促进整个组织的公平。无论部门、资历、任期或背景如何,如果每个人都能获得发展机会,那么每个人都能茁壮成长。 什么是工作场所归属感? 工作中的归属感是指人们被同事和整个组织所接受的感觉。当一个人感到自己有归属感时,就意味着他感到自己被重视,并有足够的安全感,可以在工作中展现完整的自我。 工作中的多样性和包容性有哪些好处和挑战? 许多千禧一代认为,多元化和包容性是工作文化中必不可少且有益的方面。根据盖洛普的研究,在工作场所强调这些价值观可以提高: 参与度 工作满意度 留住人才 福利 利润 绩效 创新 但是,成功整合多元化和包容性并不简单。要准确判断组织的多元化和包容性程度,以及各项措施的成效如何,是一件非常困难的事情。这就是 D&I 指标的作用所在。 如何衡量工作场所的多元化与包容性? 由于多样性和包容性是多方面的,定性和定量研究可以帮助您更好地了解当前的 DEI&B 状况。要衡量企业的 DEI&B 状况,可以从多样性和包容性指标入手,这些指标可以帮助企业评估其 DEI&B 状况和举措。常见的 DEI&B 指标包括: 候选人统计数据 晋升和晋级率 留任率和离职率 整个组织的多样性 如何改善工作场所的 DEI&B? 人力资源专业人士可以通过以下五个步骤来提高工作场所的 DEI&B: 远程招聘。远程招聘使人力资源领导者能够从各种背景、环境和地理位置进行招聘。远程招聘还能让人力资源部门招聘到原本可能无法工作的专业人员,如身体残疾或患有慢性疾病的人员。 教育。尊重是建立一支健康、多元化员工队伍的先决条件。人力资源领导者可以定期举办多元化和包容性培训课程,教育员工尊重他人,促进建设性对话和分歧、成长和创新。 建立员工与管理者的关系。人力资源领导者可以通过引导管理者与团队成员建立相互信任的关系来促进归属感。这首先要从相互尊重的沟通和公开对话开始。 培养员工的优势。人力资源领导者和管理者可以肯定专业人员的成就和才能,激励他们继续贡献高质量的工作。 制定透明的指导方针。在公司行为准则中处理多元化和包容性问题,有助于管理者为员工提供适当的支持,明确他们的权利,并使工作行为与公司价值观保持一致。 工作场所的 DEI&B 如何改善公司文化? 多元化和包容性可以促进一种统一的文化,鼓励人们分享想法并重视不同的观点。为讨论和思想多样性创造一个积极的环境,能让企业文化充满活力、成长性和吸引力,让人们愿意成为其中的一员。 人力资源技术如何帮助应对 DEI&B 挑战? 人力资源技术使公司能够更有效地组织和分析数据。与临时性的 DEI&B 方法相比,人力资源技术采取了系统性的方法,以确保 准确的 DEI&B 指标 减少招聘过程中的无意识偏见 多元化群体的晋升、职业发展、保留和参与 便于人力资源部门和所有管理人员获取数据 为什么 DEI&B 应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? DEI&B 让企业能够照照镜子,问一问:"我们是如何为各种背景和信仰的人提供平等机会的?虽然企业不能强制推行 DEI&B,但纳入 DEI&B 的举措有助于企业将工作机会扩展到每个人,无论他们是谁,来自哪里。将 DEI&B 纳入人力资源战略,有助于企业在将不同群体的人纳入员工队伍的同时,更加专注于实现业务目标。 以下为文章原文: What is DEI&B in the workplace? Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI&B) in the workplace are intertwined values that involve hiring individuals of different backgrounds and perspectives and wholeheartedly encouraging their participation. Diversity often includes equal representation of different: Ethnicities Ages Genders Sexual orientations Lifestyles Talent Personality characteristics Physical disabilities Personal beliefs What are the different types of diversity in the workplace? There are endless ways to approach diversity at work. Let’s take a look at four common types of diversity that companies strive to incorporate: Internal diversity implies the conditions that a person is born into and includes: Race Ethnicity Age External diversity refers to the qualities of a person that can change over time and can consist of: Education Personal interests Skills Socioeconomic status Organizational diversity concerns the different ways of categorizing people based on their work status, such as: Job Work location Department Seniority level World-view diversity includes people with different: Political beliefs World outlook Moral values What is the difference between diversity and inclusion? Diversity refers to the different people who come together to make up a company. Inclusion is how the company weaves people together into one cohesive unit. Your company may have a diverse makeup of people from different cultural and political backgrounds and ages. However, to include everyone, there must be acceptance, psychological safety, and value of people’s differences. Furthermore, inclusion provides fertile ground for diversity, leading to dialogue, innovation, company development, and improvement. What is equity in the workplace? Equity involves providing your people with fair opportunities according to each of their unique needs. Some examples of equity include: Providing everyone in the company the same amount of holiday and PTO days and allowing them to use them however they see fit. This kind of policy accounts for the fact that people from different cultural backgrounds may have different needs. Having transparent hiring practices. Organizations that are transparent about pay and job requirements from the beginning are often able to attract a more diverse pool of candidates, which helps create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce. Offering professional development to all team members. This promotes equity across the organization. When everyone—regardless of department, seniority, tenure, or background—receives the opportunity to develop, it enables everyone to thrive. What is workplace belonging? Belonging in the context of work refers to people’s sense of being accepted by their colleagues and the organization as a whole. When someone feels they belong, it means they feel valued and safe enough to bring their whole selves to work. What are the benefits and challenges of diversity and inclusion at work? Many Millennials believe that diversity and inclusion are essential and beneficial aspects of work culture. According to Gallup, emphasizing these values in the workplace increases: Engagement Job satisfaction Retention Wellbeing Profit Performance Innovation But integrating diversity and inclusion successfully isn’t simple. It’s difficult to determine exactly how diverse and inclusive your organization is and how effective your initiatives are. This is where D&I metrics come in. How can you measure DEI&B in the workplace? Because diversity and inclusion are multidimensional, qualitative and quantitative research can help you better understand the current state of your DEI&B. To measure DEI&B, start with the diversity and inclusion metrics that help companies assess their DEI&B status and initiatives. Common DEI&B metrics include: Candidate demographics Advancement and promotion rate Retention and turnover Diversity throughout the entire organization How can you improve DEI&B in the workplace? HR professionals can boost DEI&B with these five steps: Hire remotely. Remote hiring enables HR leaders to recruit from a wide range of backgrounds, circumstances, and geographical locations. Remote hiring also allows HR to hire professionals who may not otherwise be able to work, such as those who suffer from debilitating physical disabilities or chronic illnesses. Educate. Respect is a prerequisite for a healthy, heterogeneous workforce. HR leaders can run periodic diversity and inclusion training sessions to educate people on respectful communication that nurtures constructive dialogue and disagreement, growth, and innovation. Build employee-manager relationships. HR leaders can promote a sense of belonging by guiding managers to establish trusting relationships with team members. This begins with respectful communication and open dialogue. Nurture people’s strengths. HR leaders and managers can acknowledge professionals’ achievements and talents to motivate them to continue contributing quality work. Create transparent guidelines. Addressing diversity and inclusion in the company code of conduct helps managers properly support people, clarify their rights, and keep work conduct aligned with company values. How can DEI&B in the workplace improve company culture? Diversity and inclusion can promote a unified culture that encourages people to share ideas and value differing points of view. Creating a positive environment for discussion and diversity of thought enables a vibrant, growth-minded, and engaging culture that people want to be a part of. How does HR tech help with DEI&B challenges? HR tech enables companies to organize and analyze their data more efficiently. Rather than taking an ad hoc approach to DEI&B, HR tech takes a systematic one to ensure: Accurate DEI&B metrics Reduced unconscious bias in the hiring process Promotions, career development, retention, and engagement of diverse groups Easily accessible data for HR and all managers Why should DEI&B be part of modern HR strategy? DEI&B allows companies to look in the mirror and ask, “What are we doing to offer equal opportunities to people of all backgrounds and beliefs?” While companies can’t force DEI&B, incorporating DEI&B initiatives assist the organization in extending work opportunities to everyone, no matter who they are and where they come from. Including DEI&B in the HR strategy helps companies hyperfocus on achieving business goals while integrating a varied group of individuals into the workforce.