• 特定时期工作
    【HR术语】什么是季节性就业?(What is seasonal employment?) 什么是季节性就业? 季节性就业是一种在一年中的特定时期工作的临时就业。它通常是兼职,但也有全职的季节性职位。只在一年中某些时间营业的企业,如夏令营,会雇用季节性员工。其他雇用季节性员工的公司还包括那些在节假日等高峰期需要额外帮助的公司。 季节性工作的时间有多长? 季节性工作的确切持续时间取决于各种因素,包括雇主、行业、地点和时间。工作时间从几周到几个月不等。但是,季节性工作绝不包括全年性的职位。 季节性用工对雇主有什么好处,人力资源领导为什么要关注它? 季节性用工对雇主和员工都有好处。一年中部分时间劳动力需求较高的组织可以只在需要时才在工资单上安排人员,从而节省成本。 季节性用工对员工有什么好处? 对于苦于找不到全职工作的人或需要额外收入的人来说,季节性用工是一个不错的选择。季节性用工还可以为职场新人提供一个踏入职场、积累经验并向可能长期雇用他们的雇主证明自己的途径。 人力资源领导该如何管理季节性用工? 了解包括季节性员工在内的不同员工类型的好处,有助于人力资源领导者正确聘用、管理和补偿季节性员工。因此,人力资源领导者应熟悉《公平劳动标准法案》关于季节性员工的指导方针和相关标准: 公司必须至少向季节性员工支付联邦最低工资或当地最低工资,以较高者为准。 每周工作超过 40 小时的季节性员工有权获得正常工资 1.5 倍的加班费。 14 和 15 岁的儿童只能在允许的职业中从事有限的工作时间。16 岁和 17 岁的儿童不得从事劳工部长规定的危险职业。 季节性员工与其他类型的员工一样,必须遵守预扣税法。 此外,各组织的季节性用工政策和协议应明确传达以下信息 季节性员工是兼职还是全职 季节性工人有资格享受哪些福利(如果有的话) 季节性用工何时结束 企业如何与季节性员工一起维护企业文化? 尽管季节性员工可能只在一年中的特定时期工作,但重要的是要让他们知道,他们和全职员工一样都是团队的一员。 与季节性员工建立并保持良好的关系至关重要。首先要为他们提供良好的入职体验和所有应得的福利,再加上一些额外的津贴,让他们从入职的第一天起就感觉到自己是团队的一员,受到欢迎和重视。 这些积极的经历将激励他们年复一年地回来,并对贵公司赞不绝口,从而有助于未来的招聘和公司品牌推广工作。 为什么季节性用工应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 现代组织非常灵活,了解非传统工作安排有时可能是满足其需求的最佳方式。现代人力资源专业人员需要对雇用季节性员工和其他类型的员工持开放态度,以支持业务灵活性并满足公司不断变化的需求。 以下为文章原文: What is seasonal employment? . Seasonal employment is a type of temporary employment in which the person works during certain times of the year. It is typically part-time, but there are also full-time, seasonal positions. Businesses that open only during certain parts of the year, like summer camps, hire seasonal employees. Other examples of companies that hire seasonal employees are those that need extra help during peak times, such as the holiday season. How long is seasonal employment? The exact length of time a seasonal job lasts depends on various factors, including the employer, the industry, the location, and the time of year. Jobs may range from a few weeks to multiple months. However, they will never include year-round positions. How does seasonal employment benefit employers, and why should HR leaders care about it? Seasonal employment has benefits for both employers and employees. Organizations with higher labor needs during part of the year can save costs by only having people on the payroll when they are needed. How does seasonal employment benefit employees? Seasonal employment is a good option for people struggling to find a full-time job or people who need a little extra income. It can also give workforce newcomers a way to get their foot in the door, gain experience, and prove themselves to an employer that might hire them permanently. What can HR leaders do to manage seasonal employment? Understanding the benefits of different employee types, including seasonal employees, can help HR leaders properly hire, manage, and compensate seasonal employees. As such, HR leaders should be familiar with the Fair Labor Standards Act’s guidelines about seasonal employees and relevant standards: Companies must pay seasonal employees at least the federal minimum wage or the local minimum wage, whichever is higher. Seasonal employees who work more than 40 hours a week are entitled to overtime pay at 1.5 times their regular pay. Children ages 14 and 15 can only work limited hours in permitted occupations. 16- and 17-year-olds are not permitted to work in hazardous occupations as defined by the Secretary of Labor. Seasonal employees are subject to the same tax withholding laws as other employee types. Additionally, each organization’s seasonal employment policy and agreements should clearly communicate information such as: Whether the seasonal worker is part-time or full-time What benefits the seasonal worker is eligible for, if any When seasonal employment ends How can companies maintain their company culture with seasonal employees? Even though seasonal employees may only work during specific times of the year, it’s important to let them know they’re just as much a part of the team as their full-time counterparts. Building and maintaining good relationships with your seasonal employees is vital. It starts with giving them an excellent onboarding experience and all the benefits they’re entitled to–plus some extra perks to make them feel welcome, valued, and part of the larger team from their first day. These positive experiences will motivate them to come back year after year and talk up your company, helping with future recruitment and company branding efforts. Why should seasonal employment be a part of modern HR strategy? The modern organization is flexible and understands that non-traditional work arrangements may sometimes be the best way to meet its needs. Modern HR professionals need to be open to hiring seasonal employees and other employee types to support business agility and meet companies’ evolving needs.