• A轮融资
    美国招聘网站Phenom People获得600万美元A轮融资 Phenom People成立于,总部位于美国霍舍姆。 该公司为一个招聘网站平台,他们通过传统的指纹和IP来收集用户的信息并且智能的匹配用户和工作的相关度。 本次领投的公司是Sierra Ventures。     Phenom People, A Customizable Job Application Service, Raises $6M It can seem at times that job application sites for companies are a black hole and impossible to navigate. That’s why Phenom People, a service that customizes company job search pages for individuals, wants to try to fix that experience.   The company, which said it raised $6 million in venture financing led by Sierra Ventures, basically keeps tabs on who is visiting a company’s application page — like what jobs they view and where they come in from — and builds custom job search pages for them. For example, if someone has viewed a couple of jobs for a marketing role, they might be shown other roles that they might not have thought of when they visit a second time.   “We collect [a lot of data] to understand candidate intent — why is this here, what is it looking for,” CEO Mahe Bayireddi said. “So every time they come back we give a unique experience based on previous behavior, intent and persona. It’s all so we can give them a unique employment value proposition based on what they’re looking for.”   Recruiters also use the service to find potential recruits that might be good fits, which isn’t necessarily obvious if recruiters are just paying attention to the applications coming in. If a potential recruit is coming back three or four times and browsing the site, it may show that they are more interested in the job than someone just simply applying for jobs point-blank, Bayireddi said.   Phenom People uses traditional fingerprinting and IP tools in order to understand who that person is and collect data on them. It then builds an interest graph of sorts for that person, customizing the page for a company’s application site on the spot.   Part of the justification for a service like this to exist, Bayireddi said, is that while there are other services for searching jobs like LinkedIn, many inevitably end up back on the company’s home job search page. They might not actually apply for a job there, but might be coming back to the site regularly from other kinds of job search services, which offers additional data. “The person can come from Google, look for a job, leave, and after 15 minutes come in from LinkedIn, and then leave, and then come in from Indeed,” he said. “People think it’s just from Indeed, but no, it’s multiple steps. They might even visit GlassDoor. Every track is basically managed by us to understand where they are coming from.”   So how is this different from a service like Greenhouse, or other job application services? Those services are simply backend systems that serve as a supply chain of sorts for recruiters, Bayireddi said. That, of course, doesn’t mean that they will always be that — if the market for something like this is as large as Bayireddi believes, it’s certainly in the realm of possibility that a company like other recruiting startups would begin doing something similar. And of course, there are ways to apply directly through LinkedIn, which might render a service like this moot.   This is Bayireddi’s first round of financing, but the company has been around for around four years, teaching him to basically run a lean an operation as a company can get. And that’s part of the reason the startup is going to remain in Philadelphia, as well, he said.   “That’s part of the unique nature of how we did it,” he said. “We primarily lean toward less costs, that’s a good attribution being in Philadelphia. We have no intention to move to Silicon Valley. Some of the funds asked us if you can move to Silicon Valley, our thought process is, ‘hey, we want to sit here because we want to build a community around here,’ and that’s important.”     来源:techcrunch.com
  • A轮融资
    员工医疗保险服务公司Hixme完成1014万美元A轮融资 公司成立于2014年,总部设在加州的阿古拉山。 本次领投的公司为Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers。 该公司通过鼓励公司将本该公司为员工缴纳的医疗保险金发放给员工使员工使其选择更符合自身情况的医疗保险类型。
  • A轮融资
    企业通讯工具Eko获570万美元A轮融资,近期欲进军中国市场 当Slack被人们广泛关注时,依然有很多人在使用着其他企业通讯工具。 Eko,这众多工具中的一款,在今天透露他们已获得570万美元的A轮融资,由中国的戈壁投资(Gobi Partners)领投。融资将用于新用户的拓展。 在16个月前Eko完成了一轮由500 Startups领投的种子轮融资。之前的投资者在A轮融资中再次参投。 Eko的创始人兼CEO Korawad Chearavanont说道:“Slack注重的是那些雇员人数在50以下的公司,我们针对的却是更大型的公司。带给我们回报最大的一个客户拥有近15万名雇员。这类公司和小型企业解决问题的方式是不一样的,而我们就致力于解决这类难题。”尽管Eko的目标客户是大型公司,它的App还是本着“移动优先”的原则,并且有着和即时通讯应用WhatsApp相似的界面设计。 Eko的下一个目标是中国市场。Korawad声称他们在中国已经引起了一些关注。的确,Eko的很大部分利润来源于中国。受此激励,他们计划在接下来的几个月里在北京开设分部。 Korawad说,如果进军中国市场,他们预备和诸如政府一类的机构进行合作。但是具体的合作对象和合作方式还未公布。中国的创业公司很多也有自己的职场聊天工具,脉脉是使用最广的一个。脉脉在去年曾获得2000万美元的B轮融资。 Korawad认为他们取胜脉脉的法宝就是——同大型公司进行紧密合作。“我们将会以一种非传统且盛大的方式在中国亮相。我们的首要任务是发展平台,其次才是推广品牌。” 不论Eko会选择怎样的进军方式,至少它已经有了一个紧密的中国盟友——戈壁投资。     Workplace chat app Eko gets $5.7M series A funding to make teams productive, quit Slacking While Slack gets all the headlines, most people around the world are using one of dozens of other workplace messaging apps. One of those apps, Eko, today revealed that it has secured US$5.7 million in series A funding to help it pick up new users. The investment in the Thai-American startup was led by China-based Gobi Partners. It comes 16 months after the Eko team nabbed seed funding led by 500 Startups. Earlier backers also contributed to the series A round. Teen entrepreneur “Whereas Slack is very strong for companies with under 50 employees, our product is not as strong for that segment,” says Korawad Chearavanont, the 20-year-old founder and CEO of Eko. “Our product only begins to truly add value to bigger companies. Our biggest revenue-generating customer has approximately 150,000 employees, for example.” “They have a very different set of problems from small businesses, and we work to resolve those features,” he adds. Even though Eko is going for larger firms, the app has the mobile-first mentality and the WhatsApp-esque interface of the new wave of business chat apps that are toppling the old dinosaurs like Yammer – apps like Slack, HipChat, Flowdock, Convo, Cotap, Pie, and Fleep. Korawad says Eko works a bit differently from some of its rivals by having a “high touch” relationship with some corporate clients that extends to them getting custom versions of the Eko app – not the app available for download on Google Play or Apple’s App Store. “I can’t yet disclose certain customers, due to the stage of launch, but I can say a few top 10 ASEAN banks are paying customers and they have a very specific set of security and regulation needs which we can fulfill, whereas Slack cannot,” he explains. The startup is keeping the number of active users under its hat. Korawad is the son of billionaire telco tycoon Suphachai Chearavanont, the president and CEO of True – and he’s the grandson of Dhanin Chearavanont, the wealthiest man in Southeast Asia with a net worth of over US$14 billion. Eko was started up from Korawad’s New Jersey boarding school dorm room when he was 17. The main product office remains in New York, and the startup has opened up a business office in Bangkok. Charging into China The next step for the Eko team is China, where Korawad claims the app already has some traction. Indeed, most of Eko’s revenue is generated in China. Inspired by that, the startup plans to open an office in Beijing within the next few months. He says the app has grown “organically through word of mouth from execs in current clients” in China. It’s also taking a tailor-made approach for some major clients in the country. “Our full launch in China was not intended or planned until much later. Our traction is different from the traditional early traction many startups may get. In China, we work with entities associated with the government,” Korawad says, but further details on who or how are kept under wraps. Chinese startups are working on enterprise chat apps of their own – most noticeably Maimai, which this time last year got US$20 million in series B funding. Korawad sees Eko standing out from Maimai just as it does from Slack – by working closely with some of the huge companies that use it. And he hints at more to come, propelled by this growth in China. “We will enter [China] in an unconventional and big way, which, when we do, you may not recognize us. Our priority is to grow our platform – growing our brand is secondary. Our long term vision is not to be an enterprise messaging app, but rather to be a mobile enterprise platform.” Whatever form that takes, the startup has a China ally in its newest investor.     Source:Techinasia
  • A轮融资
    职业梦获华尔街见闻领投A+轮融资,与看准网共结同盟 导语:8月12日下午,职业梦A+轮股权众筹开杆仪式,暨职业梦与华尔街见闻深度战略合作签约仪式,及职业梦与看准网战略合作新闻发布会,在北京举行。 职业梦是金融领域的垂直招聘平台,定位用户包括应届生、实习生在内的 5 年工作经验以下金融从业者。同时,他们针对中小金融企业客户提供基于 SaaS 的外部人才解决方案,提供简历管理系统、视频简历系统等工具。 2015年6月,职业梦刚完成了由长安私人资本领投,贝塔斯曼亚洲投资基金、Infinity Ventures Partners(IVP)、乐视网及多位顶尖金融企业高管跟投的千万美金级A轮融资。 职业梦:金融垂直招聘和培训平台 职业梦联合创始人&CEO朱超介绍,职业梦要把金融招聘行业的各个相关领域全部打通,立志成为中国最专业的金融垂直招聘和培训平台。 朱超认为,在大招聘时代,传统的招聘服务已经无法满足求职者的需求。我们要打造一个集信息传递,人才挖掘,能力培养,信息分析等多维度的招聘平台,为金融行业的雇求双方提供服务。 他还提到,在这个时代里,共享经济是互联网创业的重要特征,互联网行业的蓬勃发展已向世界证明打通资源壁垒,实现平台合作必定是未来成功企业的重要衡量标准。职业梦和提供金融资讯的华尔街见闻,提供职场点评的看准网,提供满足金融从业人员生活水准和品质的o2o企业的合作就是沿着这个思路,希望打通金融求职的任督二脉,从而搭建一个金融招聘培训甚至是生活方式的完整生态闭环。 华尔街见闻领投A+轮融资,金融行业资源深度整合 华尔街见闻是中国最专业的金融资讯平台,坐拥纽约华尔街、伦敦金融城、香港中环、上海陆家嘴、北京金融街的黄金地理位置,旨在为全球金融市场投资者及从业者筛选真正影响金融市场的资讯,并帮助中国投资者理解国际金融市场。 职业梦A+轮融资正是由华尔街见闻领投,此次合作标志着两家金融领域的互联网企业正式形成战略同盟,将进一步加深人才培训、招聘服务、社群互通、资讯共享等金融服务领域渗透度。 职业梦与看准网合作,实现互联网金融新常态 看准网的前身分智网,是一个交流工作和职业场所的社区,用户可以在其平台上自由分享公司评论、工资待遇和面试经验等相关信息。经过6年的内容沉淀积累及与日俱增的用户群需求,分智网全面升级改版为看准网,并已发展成为中国最大的企业点评、雇主品牌展示和员工分享平台,注册用户数5600万,月活跃用户数2000万,企业注册数153万家,官方认证企业14万家,UGC总量超过650万。 此次,职业梦和看准网就两家企业在金融垂直领域的深入合作达成协议,打通双方优质金融相关资源的共享,看准网的优质内容资源将与职业梦的招聘及培训服务进行深入结合,实现互相导流,共同助力线上金融招聘与培训信息服务闭环。   来源:创业邦
  • A轮融资
    【印度】客户服务联络中心解决方案提供商Ameyo获得500万美元A轮融资 导语:这家总部位于印度班加罗尔的公司这笔融资拓展美国市场业务,并开发新产品。 Ameyo, 是一家总部位于印度班加罗尔的公司,他们提供多渠道客户服务和联络中心解决方案。近日,该公司宣布获得500万美元A轮融资,投资方是一家名叫Forum Synergies的私募公司。 该公司将使用该笔融资扩展美国市场业务,同时在联络中心和销售加速技术领域内开发新产品。 Drishti是Ameyo的母公司,随着这笔融资的完成,Forum Synergies私募公司联合创始人、兼首席执行官、总经理Samir Inamdar将会加入到Drishti公司董事会。 “呼叫联络中心正在进行快速转型,它不仅对企业核心业务营销巨大,同时也在向云端发展。如今,全世界的呼叫中心市场价值已经超过了30亿。电话销售团队和内部销售团队都在采用全新的销售加速技术,该领域预计规模可达到120亿美元,而且增长速度惊人。Ameyo公司获得的这笔投资,就是希望能够在这些市场领域里能够挖掘更多机会,”Bishal Kumar说道,他是Drishti公司首席执行官。 Drishti公司成立于2003年,创始人包括Bishal Kumar, Sachin Bhatia,以及Nayan Jain,他们都是印度理工大学古瓦哈蒂分校的同学。依靠其子公司Ameyo,Drishti公司为全球超过四十个国家的1500多名客户提供服务,这些客户中不乏业界巨头,比如 Ola Cabs, Jabong, Bankbazaar, TinyOwl, Mphasis, WNS, 约旦Ahli银行, 以及美国大通银行。 此外,该公司开发的TexoCC呼叫服务产品,该产品主要定位中等规模的呼叫联络中心和内部销售团队。   Contact centre solutions firm Ameyo grabs US$5M Series A Ameyo, a Bangalore-based company providing omnichannel customer and contact centre solutions, has raised around US$5 million in Series A funding from city-based private equity firm, Forum Synergies.   The funds will be used to expand to the US, as well as to add new products in the contact centre and sales acceleration technology space.   As part of the funding, Samir Inamdar, Co-founder, MD and CEO of Forum Synergies, will join the Board of Drishti, parent of Ameyo.   “Contact Centres are undergoing rapid transformation both in terms of impact to the core business and movement to cloud. This represents a US$3 billion global opportunity. Telesales and inside sales teams are adapting sales acceleration technology which is a US$12 billion opportunity and growing very fast. This fresh funding will catalyse our larger participation in both of these fantastic market opportunities,” said Bishal Kumar, CEO of Drishti.     Drishti was founded in 2003 by Bishal Kumar, Sachin Bhatia and Nayan Jain — all classmates from IIT Guwahati. With Ameyo, Drishti serves over 1,500 customers in over 40 countries, including Ola Cabs, Jabong, Bankbazaar, TinyOwl, Mphasis, WNS, Jordan Ahli Bank, and Chase Bank.   The firm also offers TexoCC targetting mid-sized contact centres and inside sales teams.   来源:e27  
  • A轮融资
    测聘网获得3500万人民币A轮融资:投资者为个人 // // // 导语:“数据分析”已经成为国内招聘产品的标配。一般是分析工具对收集到的简历进行数据挖掘、归类,之后按HR需求进行推荐;当算法相对成熟后,也会进一步对职位模型进行分析,实现招聘方和求职者的双向匹配。     “数据分析”已经成为国内招聘产品的标配。一般是分析工具对收集到的简历进行数据挖掘、归类,之后按HR需求进行推荐;当算法相对成熟后,也会进一步对职位模型进行分析,实现招聘方和求职者的双向匹配。   相比其他简历分析工具,拥有测评产品的“测聘网”能够通过分析候选人的测评结果,在简历平面化描述的基础之上,为企业提供更多维度的“求职者画像”。   在创始人许锋的眼里,测评的产品还能帮助测聘网对接“求职者-中小企业”。很多人会去应聘大公司,但只有很少的人能拿Offer,剩下的都要流向中小企业。通过给万科、华为这些大户提供测评支持,测聘网能够天然获得大量求职者的测评结果。那些未能进入大公司的求职者,就会被推荐到他们能胜任的中小企业岗位上去。(推荐的行为会先征得求职者的同意)另外,中小企业也能通过定制测评来增加推荐的准确度。   测聘的模式事实上解决了周伯通的冯涛曾经提到过的问题   招聘市场上供需双方都存在一个“水面”。求职者的“水面”是一个名校毕业的文凭、一段BAT工作的履历;企业的“水面”是高频率的媒体曝光或是长期的声誉积累。“水面”下的企业和求职者彼此之间很难发现对方的存在。   但这套模式有效的前提是算法推荐系统好用,或者是说数据样本和算法设计都可靠。测聘网2010年收购了智尊测评,目前有一个20多人的心理学家团队;积累的大B客户有万科、唯品会、腾讯、华润等;创始人许峰和COO沙添都有多年HR领域工作经验,但“还在准备引进CTO。”   36氪报道过的TalentBot, e成也都在尝试进行求职者、职位双向分析匹配。前者的CTO王兟曾做过美国自然科学基金的大数据挖掘产品,后者最近则请到了百度凤巢核心算法组的骨干。   测聘网具体的盈利主要会是为大B提供测评产品的收入和为中小企业推荐人才的收入。中小企业向感兴趣的测聘网推荐简历付费,一份简历在20-500块不等。根据测聘网提供的数据,截止到今年4月,平台UV 119万,有近15000家企业,岗位数量60000+,C端用户125万+。   测聘网获得了来自个人投资者3500万人民币的A轮融资。今年年初他们曾获得2000万人民币Pre-A轮融资。测聘网计划今年10月在新三板挂牌,目前正进行股改,据称已经有投资机构确定参与挂牌当日定向增发。
  • A轮融资
    “枇杷派”获A轮4000万人民币融资,用数据驱动人力决策 作为企业服务中的重要一环,人力资源管理 SaaS 在今年年中开始集中爆发。提供人才测评、推荐服务的"测聘网"6月初获3500万人民币A轮投资;在线人力资源平台“金柚网”也在同一时间点获7000万人民币A轮融资;“51社保”在3月就完成了A轮400万美元融资;职位发布服务“找萝卜”获得千万元种子轮融资...   现在“枇杷派”也跑进了A轮的大名单,他们刚刚宣布获得赛富亚洲投资基金领投,真格、Arbor Ventures、华岩资本、清华北大创业基金跟投的4000万人民融资。   “枇杷派”为中小企业HR提供基于数据分析的“机器人”猎头和招聘流程管理服务。HR收到简历后,“枇杷派”自动根据提炼出的企业职位的算法模型对简历进行打分评估,规避掉HR筛选海投简历的工作量。同时“枇杷派”也会根据企业需求自动推荐数据库中累积的人才。被推荐的人才只有在确认了“枇杷派”包含公司信息的推荐请求之后,才会出现在HR的界面里。“枇杷派”创始人赵灵彦告诉记者,这保证了面试者的赴约率。 另外,在“枇杷派”的平台上,HR还可以完成招聘流程管理。 一键职位发布:同一职位信息可发布到三大招聘网站、LinkedIn和其他指定的招聘平台;之前在不同平台发布的职位也可下载到企业的数据库,“枇杷派”会自动把重复职位做合并。   测试和性格测评:发放面试前,HR可以利用系统向求职者发放测评问卷,作为面试参考。   面试流程管理:确认面试后,“枇杷派”会自动把面试信息排到HR日历上,HR输入面试官邮件信息后“枇杷派”会自动通知到面试官,并在面试当天再次邮件提醒。求职者端也会自动收到面试信息、注意事项的短信和邮件通知,面试前一天还会追加短信通知。面试后面试官直接在系统中填写反馈,根据面试者情况打分,生成一个技能地图。确认入职后人员入职安排会自动排到HR的日历上,而被拒绝的求职者,也会马上收到“枇杷派”发出的拒信。     来源:36氪,作者:饭遥
  • A轮融资
    在线人力资源平台“金柚网”获华映资本、红杉资本7000万人民币A轮融资,聚焦中小企业社保 专注做人力资源服务的金柚网今日宣布获得7000万人民币A轮融资,由华映资本和红杉资本联合投资,金柚网CEO郭伟表示本次投资可以为公司的“柚子们”加油鼓气,金柚网也可以搭上企业服务的“快速列车”。   金柚网是一家借鉴Zenefits模式,提供特色有爱的人力资源服务的公司,通过切入企业社保问题,用B2B+O2O的模式构建壁垒,定位是改变整个人力资源服务的逻辑思维,自下而上开发人力资源产品。   郭伟表示,融资后,将加大市场推广力度,同时继续产品和技术方面的迭代。目前他们保持了三周更新的速度,现在是2.2版本,9月份目标升级到7.0。在推广上,除了传统互联网推广方式,他们会与创业公司集聚的创业园区进行商务合作,另外,会参加一些线下沙龙、商会等来获取用户。目前公司有线下销售团队100多人,总员工200多人。   年企业服务行业备受资本关注,同样从社保切入的“51社保”刚完成了400万美元A轮融资,由宽带资本领投,永宣资本、九合创投跟投,公司估值1.2亿人民币。另外,云招聘服务商大易科技也在本月初宣布,获得由常春藤资本、光大资本、证大集团联合投资的8000万元A轮融资。
  • A轮融资
    营销自动化初创企业Colabo获700万美元A轮融资 营销自动化初创企业Colabo刚刚获得了700万美元的A轮融资。   Colabo是一家为营销与销售人员提供实时跨域数据分析决策服务的初创企业,成立于2010年,总部位于加州圣马特奥。其营销与销售解决方案可以整合LinkedIn、Quora、Twitter、Meetup、SpiceWorks等将近130种网上的数据来源,自动生成销售线索供一线人员使用。此外,Colabo还与CRM系统进行了集成,以便在提供营销线索时自动将相关人员信息添加到CRM档案信息及销售管道中。Colabo原先已经与Salesforce进行了集成,这次则新集成了Oracle的CRM系统。   Colabo还可以定位并添加同一人员在其他社交网络上的信息,据称准确率可达95%。比方说,一旦潜在客户、线索线索或者客户在LinkedIn或别的地方上变更了信息,集成的CRM也会自动更新。   在营销线索的处理上,Colabo支持自动和人工两种方式。营销人员既可以自行选择销售线索。也可以让Colabo自动选择营销对象并发送营销信息。   Colabo的竞争对手包括InsideSales、Yesware以及 SalesLoft等,社交网络LinkedIn由于提供了类似的Sales Navigator功能,未来也许是Colabo另一个强劲对手。   此轮融资者由Marker LLC领投,Kaedan Capital及原有投资者Paul Maritz等参投。加上2011年所获的200万美元种子轮融资,目前其总融资为1050万美元。此轮融资所得将用于销售扩展及平台的进一步研发。   本文参考了多个信息来源:venturebeat.com
  • A轮融资
    51社保获得数千万元人民币A轮融资 2015年3月,51社保获得数千万元人民币A轮融资(400万美金)。此次投资方为宽带资本CBC,九合创投以及上海永宣联创。 // 51社保网创始人为余清泉,始建于2007年11月。51社保网是一个社保办理服务的网站,致力于为企业提供社保办理、工资代付等服务,网站还有一个HR社保论坛,覆盖了常见社保实务问题,帮助HR们成长。 // 目前国内,与51社保相类似的产品,HRTechChina报道过的有“亲亲小宝”和“公司宝”。 51社保融资历史: 2014年8月 获得九合创投王啸、梅花创投吴世春数百万人民币天使轮投资 2015年3月 获得宽带资本、永宣资本、九合创投等A轮投资