• Gusto
    ZenPayroll改名为Gusto,向福利业务拓展,追Zenefits 的节奏? (HRTechChina编辑部 9月24日报道)   ZenPayroll正式改名为Gusto。   人工处理工资单很容易犯错,这一直以来都是企业者的心头痛,ZenPayroll这家创业公司要帮业主做好这一业务。然而ZenPayroll突然宣布其将改名,并把其业务向福利方向拓展。   首席执行官乔希 · 里维斯透露到,我们早就意识到会改名,在公司发展到第三个月的时候我们就知道会这么做。   里维斯告诉BI团队选择 ZenPayroll 作为其初始名称的来由:眼看就只有二天我们产品要在 [Y Combinator] 演示了,在这之前我们需要打印t 恤(所以就取了这么个名字并且决定以后要改?!)。   不过新名称, 里维斯说,我们也想了好久,最后受服务对象启发而起了这个名字。   公司总部位于 San Francisco,目前业务包括提供一个基于云计算的系统来自动执行税款计算和支付薪金。其基于 web 的服务已经在超过 20,000 的小型企业得到使用。   当它还没改名(还是叫 ZenPayroll )的时候,公司的目标是帮助 600 万美国的小企业— — 像花店、 教堂和沙龙— — 解决工资条的问题 ,要知道在过去这些机构的工资条通常是由人工完成。   但在上周四公司还宣布,它将推出健康福利和工人赔偿等企业服务,这样雇主和雇员可以使用他们的一站式系统满足他们基于补偿的一切需求。“回看 2012 年我们种子轮融资文件,你会发现我们从一开始就打算这么做,包括福利这一内容,现在我很兴奋把这一计划与公众分享。”   在Gusto的平台上,员工可以访问和管理他们的福利和工资信息。基于已有企业的工资数据里, 夫斯说,它们可以完美实现与福利的无缝对接。   Gusto和 Zenefits在过去曾密切合作过,不过现在这一公告似乎证实了早些时候两家公司成为对手的报告。早在本周前BuzzFeed曾报道Zenefits(一家估值45亿美元的福利管理公司)正开发新系统用于处理工资条,而现在,Gusto打算闯入福利这一领域。   今年早些时候公司宣布了 其6000 万美元 B轮融资(此轮融资由谷歌资本领投),而今估值已达5亿6千万美元。公司每年要处理数十亿美元的工资单,业务遍及美国各大州。公司现有员工约 250 人,和里夫斯说,未来几个月我们还会招募300员工。Gusto除了在 San Francisco 有个办公室外,还在丹佛市另开设了一间办公室。   早期2000 万美元A轮融资的投资方包括支付公司Stripe,Evernote(印象笔记),Eventbrite(在线活动策划服务平台),Instagram (图片社交网络)和 WordPress 的首席执行官,阿什顿 · 库彻、 贾里德 · 莱托以及PayPal, Nest, Mint, Twitter, and Reddit等科技公司创始人均参与此次投资。   (图片来源Inc)   以下为Gusto创始人关于ZenPayroll改名的一封邮件:   Today is a big day for the whole ZenPayroll community. ZenPayroll is now Gusto. When we founded the company in 2011, our core belief was that people are the most important part of every business. Four years later, we believe it even more strongly, as we’ve grown to serve tens of thousands of businesses across all 50 states. We are on a mission to help businesses everywhere put employees first. Today, we’re taking another step towards accomplishing this mission by launching health benefits and workers’ compensation services that make employers’ lives easier, and enable employees to do the best work of their lives.   Our new name Gusto was inspired by our customers and their teams who show courage and passion in the work they do every day. When you work on something you care about, with people you enjoy spending time with, it’s an amazing feeling. That energy. That oomph. That’s Gusto. We believe everyone has the potential to feel this way at work.   HEALTH BENEFITS AND WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Today, we are also launching two incredible new services: health benefits and workers’ comp. These services are fully integrated with payroll, which removes a tremendous amount of unnecessary manual effort for business owners. Most importantly, both employers and employees can now onboard and manage all forms of compensation in one modern product.   This is just the beginning. We exist to serve our customers. Helping them build great businesses and put their employees first is what motivates us every day. In the coming months and years, we’ll continue to add exciting ways to make employers’ and employees’ lives better. Stay tuned.   Please reach out if you have any questions for us. We’d love to hear from you.   Josh, Tomer and Eddie Co-founders of Gusto      
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