【美国】员工辅导平台Rising Team获得800万美元A轮融资,推出个性化AI领导力教练,打造高绩效团队
团队绩效平台Rising Team宣布完成800万美元的A轮融资。本轮融资由 Zeal Capital Partners 领投,此前的投资者包括 Peterson Ventures、Roble Ventures、Female Founders Fund、Burst Capital 和 Supernode Ventures。这笔投资使 Rising Team 能够利用人工智能增强其团队绩效平台,雇佣新的团队成员,并扩大其市场影响力。
Rising Team 解决了混合式和分布式工作场所的领导者在建立高度信任、高绩效团队方面所面临的挑战。随着效率要求的不断提高,中层管理者面临着 “少花钱多办事 ”的压力,根据 Gartner 的报告,75% 的中层管理者感到力不从心。因此,Rising Team(帮助各级管理人员提高团队效率、加强信任和联系)就显得尤为重要。
Rising Team 软件使管理者能够领导科学支持的团队发展研讨会和建立联系的练习,从而增加信任和提高绩效,而无需外聘主持人。通过开展这些由软件指导的团队会议,Rising Team 的客户发现员工参与度、心理安全、eNPS 和管理效率都有显著提高。今年夏天,Rising Team 将推出会话式人工智能领导力教练 aRTi,它将基于研究的领导力最佳实践与从 Rising Team 课程中收集的有关团队成员个人的独特见解相结合。
"我们期望当今的领导者能够建立起敬业、高效的团队,即使是在分布式和混合型的工作场所。Rising Team 创始人兼首席执行官Jennifer Dulski说:"然而,尽管公司定期对员工敬业度进行评估,但经理们往往没有工具来帮助他们提高敬业度。Rising Team创始人兼首席执行官Jennifer Dulski说:"我们很高兴能得到Zeal Capital的支持,因为我们将加强我们的平台,让各级管理者都能提高团队的参与度、联系和绩效。Rising Team将深层次的人际关系与直观的人工智能功能相结合,为组织内部的每一位领导者和团队提供支持,从而帮助领导者提高工作效率。
Rising Team 的客户包括财富 500 强的科技、制造和金融服务公司、中型企业和初创企业,以及政府机构和学校。通过开展 Rising Team 课程,客户实现了以下目标:
完成 4 次 Rising Team 课程后,eNPS 分数最多可提高 60
留任意愿提高 20-40
“团队发展工具在当今工作场所中的作用对于维护企业文化和盈利能力至关重要”,Zeal Capital Partners 创始人兼管理合伙人Nasir Qadree说。"我们公司致力于扩大业务规模,缩小技能差距,加强员工协作,而 Rising Team 正在通过率先开发团队绩效软件,增强中层管理人员和各级领导的能力,来执行这一战略。我们坚信公司的使命,并很高兴能投资 Rising Team 的下一阶段发展。
关于 Rising Team
Rising Team 提供业界领先的团队绩效平台。其软件可帮助公司提高员工参与度和保留率,扩大人才发展规模,并改善文化和联系。该软件涵盖了推动高绩效团队发展的所有领导力主题,为管理者提供了所需的一切,使他们能够远程或面对面地举办深入沟通、有趣和互动的团队建设会议,而无需外聘主持人。包括夏威夷银行、雅虎、DXC、Achieve 等在内的领先企业正在使用 Rising Team 培养更强的管理者和更高绩效的团队。
关于Zeal Capital Partners
Zeal Capital Partners是一家领先的风险投资公司,总部位于华盛顿特区,主要投资于建立持久公司的多元化管理团队,以产生高于市场水平的回报和影响力。行健投资与金融技术、就业途径和健康公平等垂直领域的创始人合作,帮助他们建立高增长的早期企业。行健投资由纳西尔-卡德里(Nasir Qadree)于 2020 年创立,利用其市场支持的包容性投资战略(Inclusive Investing™)缩小美国以及全球在财富、技能和医疗保健方面的差距。
【HR术语】什么是补充工资?(What are supplemental wages?)
如果专业人员的年补充工资为 100 万美元或以下,雇主必须预扣补充工资的 22%。如果专业人员的年补充工资超过 100 万美元,雇主必须预扣 37%。在对补充工资进行统一预扣时,雇主必须从专业人员的基本工资中单独预扣税款。
在第二种方法中,雇主将补充工资与基本工资合并,并将其视为一次性支付。这种方法更为复杂。它还要求雇主从工资中预扣更多的钱,因为工资较高,而且包括补充工资和基本工资。预扣的税额也取决于每个人在 W-4 文件中填写的信息。
What are supplemental wages?
Supplemental wages are a form of compensation employers offer in addition to base income. While base pay consists of hourly wages or a monthly salary, supplemental pay includes earnings such as:
Severance pay
Overtime pay
Vacation pay
Accumulated sick leave payments
Reported tips
Take note, though, that employers can legally include reported tips and overtime pay in the regular wages rather than the supplemental wages.
Why should HR leaders care about supplemental wages?
Though supplemental wages don’t usually make up the bulk of a compensation package, they’re still important. Supplemental pay can serve as a reward for hard work and achievements or an incentive for people to demonstrate more dedication and a better work ethic.
HR leaders who know the ins and outs of supplemental pay can help ensure professionals know when to expect their pay and what they’re receiving it for. Guaranteeing that the company pays professionals their entire income—both regular and supplemental—is fundamental to building an engaged workforce and maintaining high retention.
However, properly incorporating supplemental wages into people’s pay doesn’t just improve compensation packages. It also enables HR leaders to ensure consistent company compliance with federal and state tax regulations.
What can HR leaders do to manage supplemental wages successfully?
HR professionals can incorporate these steps to help their company fairly and lawfully implement supplemental pay:
Use the company compensation philosophy as a compass. A compensation philosophy can guide HR and finance professionals in integrating supplemental pay into the compensation plan. A budget-based compensation plan can reduce costs, help maintain competitive salaries, and keep companies from offering supplementary wages they can’t actually afford.
Enlist the help of other professionals. Supplemental tax laws are complicated. Collaborating with finance and working with a payroll service can help HR leaders navigate the tricky federal and state laws to ensure compliance.
Explain how the system works. Everyone in the workforce should know what their compensation package includes and when and how they’ll receive it. Discussing the payment plan with professionals at the beginning of their employment period provides them with crucial job-related information and reflects company integrity.
Who is responsible for reporting supplemental wages?
The employer is responsible for reporting supplemental pay. Because of this, companies must track how much supplemental pay each person receives annually and whether they distribute supplemental income separately or combined with base pay.
How are supplemental wages taxed?
Employers can withhold Social Security and Medicare from supplemental wages, just as they do for standard wages. But, when it comes to withholding federal tax, supplemental wages are subject to specific regulations.
How can you calculate supplemental wages?
Different payment methods determine how to calculate tax withholdings on supplemental wages.
The first approach requires employers to pay supplemental wages separately—or combine them into a single payment and specify the amount of each. According to this approach, the employer withholds tax based on an annual flat rate.
If a professional’s annual supplemental wages are $1 million or less, the employer must withhold 22 percent of the supplemental wages. If a professional’s annual supplemental wages exceed $1 million, the employer must withhold 37 percent. When withholding a flat rate on supplemental wages, employers must withhold taxes separately from the professional’s base pay.
In the second method, the employer combines supplemental pay with base pay and treats them as a single payment. This method is more complicated. It also demands that the employer withhold more money from the payment because it’s higher and includes both supplemental and base pay. The tax amount to withhold also depends on the information each individual includes in the W-4 document.
How can successfully managing supplemental wages improve company culture?
A crystal clear compensation policy is the basis for ensuring that people receive accurate and punctual compensation. A company can promote a healthy employee-employer relationship by fulfilling people’s income expectations. Exemplifying honesty regarding supplemental pay demonstrates integrity and helps increase employee satisfaction and build a healthy and thriving company culture.
【HR术语】什么是软性人力资源管理和硬性人力资源管理?(What are soft HRM and hard HRM?)
确定方向。 人力资源管理战略可以在不断变化的就业市场中起到锚定作用。使人力资源管理战略与业务战略保持一致,有助于人力资源领导者确定实施哪些软硬人力资源管理实践。此外,核对表还能帮助人力资源领导者确定人力资源工作的方向。
What are soft HRM and hard HRM?
Soft and hard HRM are two different approaches to Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management (HRM) is the strategic approach toward acquiring, hiring, training, engaging, and retaining personnel.
Let’s take a look at this table to understand the differences between soft and hard HRM better:
While soft HRM emphasizes that professionals are individuals with inherent ambitions and emotions, hard HRM treats people as commodities that exist to help the company meet business goals.
What are some examples of soft and hard HRM?
Soft HRM focuses on the human side of HR. This method prioritizes people’s need to actualize their potential and find meaning in their jobs. Soft HRM includes practices such as:
Two-way communication
Business transparency
Higher wages
Investing in employee wellbeing
Training and career development programs
A democratic management style
Hard HRM, in contrast, is more task-focused than people-focused. It doesn’t recognize individuals’ needs for self-actualization. Thus, it often encompasses:
One-way communication between management and professionals
Performance reviews that fail to motivate or provide constructive feedback
Minimum wages
High turnover
Hierarchical leadership system
Why should HR leaders care about soft HRM and hard HRM?
HR leaders can evaluate soft and hard HRM methods to determine which aspects of each fit the company’s needs. While Millennials often gravitate to organizations that embody soft HRM, elements of hard HRM may be necessary for companies to reach profit and productivity goals. Thus, it’s essential to consider which specific practices work pragmatically for each organization.
For example, a well-established software company may want to improve engagement and retention with soft HRM methods. New small businesses in the service industry may implement primarily hard HRM practices to ensure productivity and profit.
What can HR leaders do to incorporate soft HRM and hard HRM into their strategy?
Industry, business goals, and company values determine how an organization fits HRM to its needs. HR leaders can incorporate these practices to reap the benefits from both soft and hard HRM:
Set the direction. An HRM strategy can serve as an anchor within a shifting job market. Aligning the HRM strategy with the business strategy can help HR leaders determine which hard or soft HRM practices to implement. Also, a checklist can help HR leaders decide in which direction to navigate the HR ship.
Always consider the budget. Whatever approach HR leaders take, it must be budget-based. Ultimately, the company has to have a high return on investment (ROI) to make the chosen HRM method worth it.
Consider the industry. Each industry is different. For example, while soft HRM has spread like wildfire in the high-tech industry, this people-oriented approach has not taken hold as quickly in the manufacturing industry. HR leaders can look to competing businesses and current trends and ask: What are applicants and professionals expecting from their employer and position? Usually, integrating a combination of soft and hard HRM can entice potential new hires, boost retention, and help achieve business objectives.
How can soft HRM and hard HRM improve company culture?
Soft and hard HRM represent two opposite ends of the spectrum. Implementing just one of these methods may not be realistic. People want their employers to treat them as humans, not robots, but companies must focus on achieving business success. However, tailoring an approach that integrates the beneficial components of both soft and hard HRM could help companies nurture a culture that values individuals’ successes alongside the company’s success.