• 员工管理
    独角兽俱乐部新添一员,身份管理平台Okta融资7500万美元 据国外媒报道,旧金山科技初创公司Okta宣布了新一轮7500万美元的融资,本轮融资的领头者包括安德森·霍洛维茨基金、Greylock Partnersh和红杉资本等。Okta联合创始人及首席执行官托德麦金农(Todd McKinnon)表示本轮融资对该公司的估值接近12亿美元。Okta已累计筹集资金2.3亿美元。 Okta是一款基于云端的 app,可以帮助其他基于 Web 和云端的 app 管理员工的账户和登陆信息。企业使用Okta可以让员工和登陆并使用各种网络服务、远程访问企业信息,而不会导致企业的敏感信息外泄。并且可以在员工离开公司的时候关闭其登陆权限。 该公司称其共有600余名员工以及2500余名客户,其中包括职业社交网站LinkedIn、赌场运营商米高梅集团(MGM Resorts International)和汇款公司西联(Western Union Co.)等。 Okta的竞争对手包括onelogin, Ping Identity,Centrify等初创公司,另外甲骨文,微软、saleforce.com也是其强劲的对手。 除了身份管理,Okta还希望进入安全、移动设备管理、双因素认证等领域。 Okta, the cloud identity management company, announced a $75 million round Okta, the cloud identity management company, announced a $75 million round.  Okta was valued at $1.2 billion in this deal, meaning it has entered the hallowed halls of the Unicorn club, according to the Wall Street Journal, which first reported the deal. CEO Todd McKinnon told TechCrunch that actual price is a tad below that reported figure at $1.175 billion. While being a Unicorn isn’t what it once was, it still is meaningful and a big step for Okta, which has been trying to move beyond pure identity management into areas like security, mobile device management and two-factor identification. Existing investors Andreessen Horowitz, Greylock Partners and Sequoia Capital led the round. Khosla Ventures, Altimeter, Glynn Capital and other unnamed investors also participated. Today’s investment brings the total raised since the company launched in 2009 to $230 million. Okta scored an identical $75 million round last June. At the time McKinnon told TechCrunch he was looking at IPOing in the “next couple of years.” Today, he was more specific saying it would likely be in the next 12-18 months, depending on market conditions. In spite of the current public market conditions, McKinnon said one of the chief reasons his company went back to the well so soon, was that the conditions for this money were so favorable. “We had offers, but the [existing investors] were so excited about what we are doing and gave us the best deal in terms of valuation and more importantly tons of flexibility to go public with no provisions of blocking the IPO or penalizing us for having our valuation drop [if conditions changed],” he said. More importantly, this money gives the company the flexibility to control its own destiny moving forward. “We don’t have to go public to raise capital. We don’t have any provisions to block us from going at a certain price or timeline,” he said. The company has been growing 100 percent year over year and as such they were burning through cash. This puts money in the bank and allows them to buy small strategic companies if they become available, he explained. Okta reports it has over 600 employees and 2500 customers and just last week it opened a new datacenter in the EU to comply with EU data privacy laws.   Source:TC
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