【动态】微软宣布关闭LinkedIn中国版本,推出新版InJobs 的纯粹独立的工作APP,不包括发帖和分享等社交功能领英中国官方微信发布:
领英VP Mohak Shroff 在LinkedIn博客中谈到:
我们决定于2014年2月在中国推出LinkedIn的本土化版本,是因为我们的使命是连接全世界的专业人士,使他们更有效率和成功。We recognized that operating a localized version of LinkedIn in China would mean adherence to requirements of the Chinese government on Internet platforms. While we strongly support freedom of expression, we took this approach in order to create value for our members in China and around the world. We also established a clear set of guidelines to follow should we ever need to re-evaluate our localized version of LinkedIn in China.
Our decision to launch a localized version of LinkedIn in China in February 2014 was driven by our mission to connect the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. We recognized that operating a localized version of LinkedIn in China would mean adherence to requirements of the Chinese government on Internet platforms. While we strongly support freedom of expression, we took this approach in order to create value for our members in China and around the world. We also established a clear set of guidelines to follow should we ever need to re-evaluate our localized version of LinkedIn in China.
This strategy has enabled us to navigate the operation of our localized version of LinkedIn in China over the past seven years to help our members in China find a job, share and stay informed. While we’ve found success in helping Chinese members find jobs and economic opportunity, we have not found that same level of success in the more social aspects of sharing and staying informed. We’re also facing a significantly more challenging operating environment and greater compliance requirements in China. Given this, we’ve made the decision to sunset the current localized version of LinkedIn, which is how people in China access LinkedIn’s global social media platform, later this year.
Our new strategy for China is to put our focus on helping China-based professionals find jobs in China and Chinese companies find quality candidates. Later this year, we will launch InJobs, a new, standalone jobs application for China. InJobs will not include a social feed or the ability to share posts or articles. We will also continue to work with Chinese businesses to help them create economic opportunity.
This decision aligns with our commitment to creating economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. While that has been our vision for nearly two decades now, it feels more important than ever as we all strive to build a global economy that delivers more prosperity and progress to people all over the world.
【十月论坛】百融云创HRVP Martin Tian将出席【2021年中国人力资源科技】并分享「2021人力资源年度科技论坛-What`s Next」将于10月22日在北京千禧大酒店隆重召开。本次行业盛会将呈现20+HR科技数字化最IN的话题、20+优秀的人力资源科技产品和专业机构、并与近500+志同道合的HR科技达人共襄盛会,堪称行业高质量、新内容、多产品的人力资源科技数字化标杆会议!
作为本次盛会的特邀分享嘉宾,百融云创HRVP Martin Tian先生受邀出席并分享「科技,让HR更有价值!」话题。他有着超过23年丰富的人力资源管理经验,也精通管理方法论及跨行业的多元化实践,曾带领团队在公司颓势时扭转局面,从零到一建立公司及人力资源体系;期待Martin Tian多元化的经验能带来更高质量的实践内容与全新的想法,来现场进行一场思想碰撞吧!
时间:2022年10月22日(周五) 9:00-17:00 签到:8:30-9:00
地点:北京千禧大酒店(东三环中路7号)2楼 朝阳大宴会厅